newbie (v.2.03)

my friend gave me the book and cd so I have been reading and following the directions, when I went to finish (render) it, another screen opened , but was black:confused: . Can anyone please give advise as to what is wrong.


Do you have light set on your scene?

See for reference and further instructions. You can find nice tutorials there too. :slight_smile:

I looked over the book and it did not mention lighting for the first tutorial. I will reread it just to make sure.

Whether it mentions it or not, if you don’t have a light in your scene, you wont’ see anything when you render it :slight_smile:

If you open an OOps/ outliner window (not sure if it exists in 2.03), you can see a list of the objects/lights/cameras etc that are in your scene.

With your mouse cursor over the ‘3d’ window, press space then select add/lamp to add a light.

Even though your book / version match up, you might want to download ver 2.41 from here, as your version is very old, and will not support all the neat new things like character animation, cloth, hair … etc that are in the newer versions.

After (if) you install 2.41 the docs are available online under the help menu.


I will download the new version.

I have seen the things done with blender and just can’t believe that it is a free download.

Thanks again for the information.