Newby needs advice. Animate and rotate images, like walking around a wall mounted TV

HI all
I need some pointers on the best approach, I am sure Blender is more than capable of achieving what I want but I guess there are many options of how I can achieve this.

I will try and describe what I want to achieve.

Imagine there is a very simple wall mounted TV, it is a flat panel with no frame or bezel. the screen changes by changing/animating/blending a minimum of 3 and maximum of 7 images one into another. The image on the screen will be synchronised with the angle the viewer is either side of centre so the screen appears the same from each particular angle. I think the change will probably be achieved with altering the opacity at different angles.

If you are walk around the TV in an arc, say 45 degrees either side of centre and keep doing this on an endless loop, the final product will be a 10second or so mpeg. the shape will transform to show perspective when viewed from the side and it will be rectangular when viewed straight on.

What are the best approaches, does anyone have any ideas or could knock-up up a project to demonstrate if its simple.

many thanks in advance


Hi, can anyone help/advise?

Welcome :tada:,
well make a image sequence (img01.png … img09.png) with your wanted images so you even can do a switching effect in between and use a driver to syncronize it to the frames of the total time of you animation and use it as in the material of you TV screen. If you don’t want to mess with drivers yet then just make an image sequence repeativley using (copy from imageA.png to img0000…img0040.png, imageB.png to img0041…img0060.png or whatever) the same image until the next one should be used with as many images as frames…

(You doesn’t need to ask again in such a small amount of time. Those who read your question and didn’t know would not answer anyway and those who didn’t read it yet… Sometimes this just needs time because the answerer is on the other side of the world in another timezone… meaning sleeping while you ask. :wink: )