Can someone please help me. I’ve been working on a scene and now for some reason any new object I create when I go to map it it is not showing up in the UV editor. I dont know if I;ve changed a setting by mistake or something.
If I open a new file and import the newly created object I can then UV map it, save the temp file, load the original back and re import the object from the temp file and it has the UV mapping. This is a pain though. Could someone please tell me what I’ve done wrong.
Yeah Thanks Richard. I’ve checked the image editor and its showint the texture I want to use. I have done something because it was working fine. All the objects I had in the scene I can still see them in the UV editor window, but newly created objects such as this cube I did quickly to show you what I mean just will not show up in the UV editor. Please see the screenshots I took
See what I mean I have it selected in edit mode in the 3D View window, but when I go to the UV editor it is not there even though the status bars are showing it is selected.
What am I supposed to be seeing. Explain clearly what is wrong. Why have you highlighted the info ?
Show us what’s in the UV /Image Editor window then.
The cube doesn’t have a material so you haven’t added a texture to it.
What viewport shading are you using ?
No example blend file supplied with your post (would need to also include textures)
Also, please do not crop screenshots, show the full blender interface
If I start a new scene, delete the cube. add a cube and tab into edit mode don’t do anything else, just add the cube and go to edit mode, nothing at all to do with materials or textures. Then if I CTRL - Right Click into the UV editor the cube is shown on the right hand side pane ready to unwrap, as I unwrap it the island show up on the left. Yes thats right so far I think.
Well with this scene I’m working on I have been unwrapping a bookcase with no problems. I made the skirting by using the bevel box of 2 curves, one the rail and one the profile. I converted this to mesh tabled into edit mode to go int the UV editor to urwrap it and add a wood grain texture but it is not there. If I press U to unwrap the selected faces that I selected in the 3D view window, nothing happens because it is noy in the UV editor.
I’m sorry, its hard to explain, I know what I mean I just hope you follow me.
I have found a work around though. If I select one of the existing objects, tTAB into edit mode, add a cube, select all faces of the cube the P to seperate selected, I have a new cube. Now if I select this new cube and TAB into edit mode then go to the UV ditor the cube shows up there. It is just when I add a new object in object mode it is not showing in the UV editor
I have changed a setting somewhere in this particular scene somehow, but I have no idea where
Again thanks for your help everyone. I hope someone can help me fix this
You have to unwrap it from the 3D view. When you have a new object, go into edit mode and then hit U. Only then will it appear in the UV editor window. You cannot make an initial unwrap from the UV editor.