news on vertigo!

hey wassup guys, for all of you all who werent following the post about vertigo(my new game), check it out,
and for the all of you who were following it, or just dont fell like reading it :slight_smile: , go to
I got an info page up about the project for whoevers intrested…everything you might wanna know about it is there, plus the designs—enjoy! :slight_smile:

TUDBZD69 over and out! [>] [>] [>]


the links on the charecter/species design pages arent working that well–well, they sorta are but…oh well, just see for yourself, ill get that fixed ASAP…


well does anyone out there think theres way to many “WELLS” in this post!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

whoiaaaaaaa… this looks pretty damn big…

Looks pretty cool.

Just a question, why’d you use images of text instead of text on your website? That makes your site WAY too long to load. It’s not now, but it will be if you keep it up.


Hey I am doing just about the same thing! I dont see out join would hurt me… So count me in! er…

Anyways I am pretty much opened to anthing but textureing :slight_smile: anything else you need help with I can do

yeah metal, it is a very big project, thats why im asking for all the help :smiley: …weel pooba, i made the vertigo page in macromedia fireworks, and i typed it all up, and then just exported it as html…it saved the page as html, and gif…i could have made it just text, but i guess i overlooked it, i was sorta in a hurry to get it on the net…but if your talking about my main page, i dont know…im gunna eventually change the layout of the whole site and it should load ALOT faster…hitachi! great!!! :smiley: just email or PM me and ill give you more details on the project, and how you could help…

TUDBZD69 over and out!! [>] [>] [>]

TUDBZD69—back again—for some more updates! I revised the info page, its about the same, but it looks alot better, and loads ALOT faster now…hope ya like it!

TUDBZD69 over and out! [>] [>] [>]

reminds me of the stuff ive drawn for my Project Delta (yes i use the greek alphabet!) that i am secretly(not so secret anymore…) doing behind the Project Theta that is in the “MagiPixel’s Project Theta” topic. It is my ultimate project, this smaller, cel shaded one is still going to be a full project, only it is to get our team ready for the ultimate Project Delta…mwahahahah cough :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool. I agree about the page being an image, though. I only have 56k :frowning:

the ultimate Project Delta…mwahahahah

ive never felt intrested, confused, excited, curious, a little scared…and…constapated all at the same time, in my whole life! :stuck_out_tongue: haha, j/k, but wow, this really is inspiring all of these huge projects being made lately…
project theta
project delta
Crecent Dawn
(sorry if i missed a few :slight_smile: ), but its really cool, and i cant wait untill there all completed! vertigo SHOULD be done by atleast the end of august…well i guess thats it for now, ill keep ya posted!

TUDBZD69 over and out!!! [>] [>] [>]

cough, u missed dracolith… =’(

what!? oh sorry dude, i havnt really seen it around the forums lately, so i havnt heard about it…your game project, i presume? sounds cool, tell us about it…

that makes it…

project theta
project delta
Crecent Dawn


hey guys, i know i havnt given you all any updates in awhile but oh well, i got one now :slight_smile: …ive been getting people to help me with vertigo lately…ive got my sound crew now, but im still looking for people for the production crew…i only need 2 more people to help, so if your intrested, contact me! You can also go to, then go to the “Vertigo” section for more info on the project…guess thats it for now,

TUDBZD69 over and out!!! [>] [>] [>]