Fully Integrated Ring / Loop selection
Quickly select a full or partial loop/ring of any component type (vertex, edge, or face) within any mode (select, move, rotate, or scale) simply by double-clicking. Watch the first video to see this feature in action.
Other selection features
Raycast Selection, Component Selection Preservation, Select Similar, and a fully integrated Soft Selection tool are just a few of the other selection features.
Slide Components
Slide any component type (edge, vertex, face) along the surface of your mesh with any transform tool (move, rotate, or scale). Slide is integrated within NEX as a coordinate space but you can also use the quick Shift + Middle-click-drag hotkey to slide along the active axis. On high resolution meshes, combine the NEX Soft Selection option with Slide for even greater power.
Within any transform tool, you can quickly tweak components along any axis.
Hey hey hey, it looks like Maya’s finally catching up. Too bad for them it’s only in plugin format.
CTRL+R is loopcut. CTRL+rightclick is loop select, CTRL+ALT+Rightclick is lateral band select.
I think we have component selection, though I’m not sure what the name means. I know we have select similar and soft select, though soft select is called ‘proportional editing’ in blender.
Slide components is CTRL+E>Slide Edge. It’s edges ad edge groups, so there’s some functionality lost there. Actually, it doesn’t work with proportional editing(soft select) So there’s one place Maya’s up on the game.
Tweak. I’m pretty sure tweak is the ability to move things very small amounts as opposed to big variables, if this is the case, then just hold down shift while performing a manual transform.
Also re: the
Quad Draw
Creating polygons has never been more fun. With Quad Draw you can create, delete, split, and connect faces together. Create your polygon surface on the grid or import a reference mesh and rebuild its topology to make an animation ready mesh in minutes.
Re:That thing, that’s what the retopo tool in blender v2.43 is for. It’s pretty sweet, you can connect polys manually, or you can paintwhatever shape grid on the surface and blender will fill it in.
Now, I’m not trying to prove some petty superiority thing, by the way, and there are a couple features in that plugin that look pretty cool, I’m just letting you know that blender isn’t as far behind as you might think.