NFT? Is this for real?

You reduce render farming emissions by making animations with worse graphics.

You could start with stopping to come to this forum because social media uses quite a bit of power.

Don’t create 3d art for games. Games, esspecially online games require huge amounts of energy for the servers.

Are art exhibitions ok? I mean they require electricity, heating, maybe air conditioning and people come in cars, trains and airplanes and stay in hotels.

Is this the kind of imprvement you are looking for?
Also note that NFTs are a tiny part of Ethereum. Ethereum can do a lot of other things besides NFT.


I was talking about agricultural farming but ok (if that is what you were referring to).

You’re right, I could do all of that. The difference though is that those things provide a real product or experience. A game is a real thing, that can give those playing it real enjoyment. Art exhibitions, likewise, provide a real experience that you couldn’t get otherwise (though I don’t necessarily agree with the fine art world).

NFTs on the other hand don’t provide anything of value. Almost Nobody is buying NFTs because they like the art and want to support the artists (There are better ways to do that, that don’t involve giving a cut to the platform and don’t use nearly as much energy). Instead, they are buying them as an investment, hoping to be able to make a profit by reselling them again. NFTs are not a medium meant for artists to make a living from, they are just a new form of the cryptocurrencies they are built on, and they only exist to make a profit for investors.

Don’t worry, I don’t really aprove of Ethereum either. If they ever do transition to Proof Of Stake, then that will be great, but until then, It all seems like a massive waste of energy.

Tell Brecht that we are being forced to kill the planet because of the lack of many-light sampling and manifold exploration in Cycles. If people are so concerned with the emissions their work produces, then pressure the Blender devs. to improve performance so you can get the work done faster (this goes with the editmode and OpenSubDiv concerns too) :wink:

Or just hook your computer up to a bike and power it with your feet, whichever is more realistic.

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Hmm… that is really subjective, though.

Furthermore a lot of art is bought purely for investment. Gold, silver and pork halves just as well.
Extracting gold is a lot more harmful for the environment and quite a lot of gold is extracted purely for investment reasons. So perhaps if Ethereum or some other crypo currency can replace gold, then it is actually going to be pretty beneficial for the environment.

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Or go back to text tutorials. Youtube servers are terrible for the environment.

NFTs are purely a financial instrument. Therefore they must be open to more scrutiny than anything else that uses energy and creates emissions.

Computer rendering at least generates something.


Let us skip the whole back and forth and go to the logical conclusion.

If you want the smallest possible impact on the environment, then we need to get rid of all of this modern stuff and go back to the stone age, though some of the more radical groups argue that the best thing we can do for the environment is to just phase out humans altogether (ie. you are a planet killer because of the simple fact you exist).

It is logical to argue that if we were to take the extremist angle, or we can be logical about bringing the environment to a better state without taking the scorched earth approach.

It’s a false conclusion. Being human we undoubtedly want humans to exist and persist.

AI however would reach that conclusion.

That would be nice, but it won’t happen. Crypto won’t replace anything, it will just add to the problems that are happening currently. Why would people choose gold or Crypto they can have both?
Tbh, if it ever does move over to Proof Of Stake, I won’t have a problem with it anymore, but until that happens, it just seems like a massive waste of energy for what is essentially nothing.

It’s nothing but a concept.

If bitcoin taught us anything, it is the fact that Gold being tangible and real means it can’t just vanish overnight because of a cyberattack, a forgotten password, or an errant click of the mouse. Gold also doesn’t require the blockchain to work, which is absolutely horrible at scaling up.

Not only that, but if you have watched the show known as Gold Rush, you find out that Canada at least requires miners to restore the environment to a natural state after they finish a cut (which will also reforest after a decade or so). Though a lot of mining is now done in countries that couldn’t care less about the environment, which ironically includes the mining of materials needed for the ‘green’ economy (ie solar panels, windmills, battery-electric vehicles, ect…).

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you totally missed the point of CREATING ART.
you totally missed the point of RAISING AWARENESS.
you totally missed the point for INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.
you totally missed…

Yeah, I’m not really arguing for Crypto to replace gold, don’t worry. There are definitely problems with where raw materials for solar panels etc. are sourced, but overall, it’s better than continuing to burn fossil fuels and accelerating climate change (that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and fix those problems).

So, if we take a less extremist angle, who gets to decide which cool modern stuff to keep and which to get rid off?

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Because if some Crypto turns out to be a better (and more accepted) store of value than gold then why keep gold?

Gold is pretty bad as a store of value for several reasons. It is difficult to store and to mine. It is difficult to transport. Gold is terrible for the environment. And so on.

Most people can not buy gold (or in fact any other types of investments) because they are either unbanked or severely under banked. Most people simply do not have access to banking like you might have. Bitcoin can be bought by anybody with access to the internet which is way more than people who have access to (good) banking.

If you are poor it does not matter do decide buying gold or crypto, you cant afford them, even if you have practically a way to buy it. If you have enough money to spent, you could also buy gold.

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What does this article have with the subject at hand?

You can not buy gold if you are poor because buying gold requires banking. Unless you buy at a store which will be a lot more expensive than buying gold at a bank. Investing in gold does not mean that you have gold at home. It means that you pay your bank money so that they change a number in their database stating that you own a certain amount of gold. Furthermore, even if you have access to banking investing very small amounts does not make sense because any gains get eaten up by flat fees.

Around half of the world is unbanked but two thirds of thes unbanked have a mobile phone. Since crypto does not require banking and since there are no flat fees (onyl percentage fees) you can buy tiny amounts.

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Just an info to crypto.

In hope to get rich? I doubt that work.
Also that “no banks” problem are not new, and mobile paying does not depends on crypto, they pay with sms, online banking and they have already developed paying via mobile without crypto.

Be wise. You are trying to get rich quick, and you might even for a time believe that you are rich, but with barter tokens that you find that you can’t actually convert it into legal tender. But kindly notice that you’re paying “transaction fees” in legal tender. That’s where the con artists are taking their profit. They don’t care who thinks they’re winning or who thinks they’re losing – only that the roulette wheel continues to turn. Every casino works the same way. “Las Vegas was not paid for by winners.”

If you would not walk into a physical store and plunk down 350 genuine $100 bills for a JPEG, then rest assured that no one actually ever did, either. But, a Fool and his money are soon parted – don’t be one.


If you only invest to “get rich” then there is your problem right there.