nice blender pic, pure !!!!!

Olaf - obviously some of the people here have never taken a REAL picture with a large F-stop and macro lens… ( - either that or they are just jealous. great work!

obviously some of thepeople here arent too good at spotting CG.

This reminds me of “the making of LOTR” don?t know for sure, but I think it was Peter Jackson who told that little story, when they checked the power and quality of Massive.

Some guys went: " Naaa, these guys look fake, look at the edges and the colour bleeding. And the faces are too pale and their expression static.? They pointed their fingers at the extras which where part of the scene composition : “yeah deffinately CG, look at…”
All professional CG artists, pointing at the real photographed images.:smiley:

?and what does it have to do with this pic?

Dont give a toss about what people say, specially not “specialists”, as their critics are normally overkill. Dont make me laugh. Well, as paprmh pointed out: there are many ways of making a photo…filters, light, time, etcetctetc

When I first have seen the pic, I was impressed, so I decided to share it. And to me it IS photorealism pure. Maybe because Ive seen the very scene from this perspective a couple of times, and when you sit in a dim lit bar, and had a couple of scotch you will get a certain exaggerated DOF. 8)
I would even go further its not photorealism it comes close to realism.

I regret now that I did post this link. I just wanted to share a piece of art, which is impressively photorealistic or close to photorealism, blender made but not apreciated. Critics of any kind were out of place, cause its not in the finished work thread, nor was it posted by the author himself (who is propably not aware of this thread), looking for opinions. :expressionless:

It is one of the most PR-blender pic out there so far. And at the authors of critics: Next time I post a real photo, that would be worth a try and a real good laugh too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t regret posting this… it points to a problem that seems to be ruining this site. And it IS an incredible piece of work that should be seen.

Dante: Please don’t piss me off - you will not like the results… %|

I will be nice this time:

please read and understand a topic before posting your opinion

I’ve read through this thread and I honestly dont see the problem, or any indication that this site is headed towards ruin.

None of the posts say this image sucks, or I don’t like it. It was posted as “photorrealism pure!!”, kind of implying this is perfect photorealistic image. Some of the people disagreed with that so they commented on it.

I’m sure if this was posted to ‘finished projects’ it would have recieved nothing but praise. People are commenting on the photorealism

I also see a few posts about the layer count… whatever , not important.

Criticism is part of being an artist. None of the crits seemed overly hostile or non-constructive. Just because people don’t fawn over something doesn’t mean they hate it, or they’re jeoulous or whatever.

If an artist can’t handle crit, he/she should keep their work to themselves.

edit: To be clear, i realize the artist didn’t actually post this, so I’m not telling Olaf that he can’t handle crit.

Sigh… maybe if I type really slowly…

Perhaps you saw the problem and just didn’t realize it…

None of the crits seemed overly hostile or non-constructive.

The sad fact is:
1)None of the crits should be even partly hostile or non-constuctive.
2)No one should ever regret posting a piece of work that impresses them -either theirs or someone else’s
3)people need to read and understand the entire thread and adjust their replies accordingly
4)not everyone speaks English natively - people need to try to understand what someone is trying to say not pick apart how they say it.
5)personal attacks have no place on a forum that professes to be Blenders Official User Community Site.

None that I read seem hostile.

2)No one should ever <b>regret</b> posting a piece of work that impresses them -either theirs or someone else's

Not sure I agree with that. If i post something I like and noone else likes it, I don’t think I have a right to be upset. I also see no reason why there should be any regret as to the posting of this image. Seems to be a discusion regarding its photorealism, not bashing this image.

3)people need to read and understand the entire thread and adjust their replies accordingly

True, but I’m not sure to which replie in this thread you refer to. None seemed out of context

4)personal attacks have no place on a forum that professes to be Blenders Official User Site.

I didn’t read any personal attack in this thread

ok, sorry, part of that post is overflow from other threads. I am on a roll here and I should stop for the night - nevermind…

Its cool. I feel like I’m starting too get to into this well. Get some sleep.

click /stops watching thread :smiley:

If that isn’t photorealism, then I don’t know what is. The test is simple: print it out on photographic paper and show it to people who aren’t CG artists. I’ll bet you get near unversal agreement that it is a photo. You do have to print it on a good printer, though.

Of course someone who is familiar with CG work could spot telltale signs of CG, but so what?

You can find examples of studio photography that look just like CG work. That is, photography can also be unrealistic. It’s all art, and art is all about fooling the eye, but not necessarily fooling the experienced eye.

Further, we are all representing our works through a 2D medium–print or screen, so ultimate realism is ultimately impossible until actual 3D representation is available. So everything from paint to photographs to all mediums in between are fool-the-eye or representative of realitity.

Judging from this work, Olaf has mastered his medium.


freelance it is always the easiest way to show work to somebody who has no knowledge about it. that does not proof anything. if i would do that i would be out of business.


very nice 3d but still it is just 3d. No way does it look photoreal.

Real life has blobs of color, pigments of dots and random design but a flowing design. Photoreal is photoshop clean ‘dirty’ looking. Real is dual and not super vivid and is full of LOTS of clashing colors.

3D it is, very nice 3d.

Impressive, yes, but certainly not photorealistic. The bottle doesn’t look right, it is shaped oddly and refracts the background wrong. The cork just looks weird, and the background throws the whole thing off. The scale vs. the DoF and the proposed distaced of the end of the table doesn’t look right. Not photorealistic. But really neat.

if you look at the size of the planks of wood you can only come to the conclusion that the glass is about 10 inch’s tall.


This thread is nothing more than nonsense to mee…

Either the glass is tiny or those are rather big boards, it all depends on what you see to represent scale.

Ok, one more time and I will try to explain my point as completely as I tried to answer this question:
The following is my opinion (and maybe my opinion only…) and is only offered because I seem to be having a hard time getting people to understand what I have been trying do around here since jeori showed up…
Some (most? - me too BTW) think I have lost my mind - so I have included what I was thinking as well…

If you do not agree with what I am saying, feel completely free to keep it to yourself

Please bear with me and listen to what I am saying… I have spent many hours putting this post togther - all I ask is that you take 5 minutes(you could take more if you want…) to open your eyes and minds… perhaps even 5 more to think about it…

Besides, I almost made it a game. I gave you the timestamps, you have to look em up yourself.

Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:07 am
First the title: “photorealism pure !!!” -people disagreed and that was fine.

Most of the first few replys were justifyable due to the title in my opinion BTW, but the next few were sensless nitpicking only valid in the WIP forum where the artist involved was asking for crits.

Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:16 pm
What the he** [1*] was that? A high five for dissing someones work? maybe I misjudged you before…

Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:19 pm
The first hint by someone that sees this thread is going in the wrong direction. Thank you mr_rob but apparently you did it too discreetly…

Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:08 am
Oh yeah, the artist involved WAS watching and made the post at the bottom of page 1. I think that all crits of this work should have stopped at this point- from then on, you were dissing his “thank you”. good job…

Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:10 pm
ok… I see that it isn’t going to stop… I STUPIDLY[2*] jump in to at least stop the DOF crap - with a link to explain that DOF is a matter of choice for a “photographer”.

Fact: most people have never used a SLR and fail to realize that under many light conditions, DOF is a matter of choise.

then a hint… #2 I believe…

Nobody ever listens…getting frustrated…a plan begins to form…The kind that you would never actually do in real life… but really, really, REALLY fun to think about…

Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:34 am

  1. NO. not necessarily - reread Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:08 am.
  2. Gee… mislabled post…That’s never happened before…Including a ‘test’ I think I took recently…
  3. at least you ended nicely - thank you.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:34 am
Still trying…

hint #3

the plan proceeds… background research is progressing… a “target” list begins to grow…

Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:05 am
Wow! fast 180… I figure that it’s just to increase your post count and you obviously haven’t paid attention - no, you did pay attention to #3… I think…But sensless posts are another of my pet peeves
(over [insert favorite number here] good posts in 1 month? “[xx.xx% of total / xxx.xx posts per day]”?.. give me a break…)
You do make some good posts but alot of the time you are just wasting bandwidth. also think that I have mentioned before elsewhere… I am sorry kid but you are added to my ‘target’ list.

There is a long pause between posts so I check the rest of the forums and even try to make a few helpfull posts…think about my stupid little fantasy plan… see all sorts of this kind of thing all over the place…fed up… A hunting we will go…

but wait…interesting…missed this the first time…glad someone brought it back…

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:09 pm

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:10 pm
OMG…:o I… just… shot… bambi…:expressionless: …and in a church of sorts…:expressionless: The plan is unstopable now…
what the he** [1*] was I thinking???

Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:38 pm
Ah… YOU again…I’m in a really bad mood now and you are still adding to it - nothing more for me to say but you are now SO on my ‘target’ list… unfortunately I no longer hunt…

Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:50 pm
Standing ovation anyone? - I was just finishing a very poorly worded PM (perhaps if I had added “until 6:09 pm” I would have gotten a response and a few tension headaches would have been avoided…My fault … sorry)

Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:54
I have more bullets… but…um…ever hear of poker?

Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:39 pm
Once again I try to explain… but…

obtuse &gt;adjective  1 annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.  2 (of an angle) more than 90° and less than 180°.  3 not sharp-pointed or sharp-edged; blunt.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:05 pm
ok… fine… whatever…
( DOH…now I owe Jeori another apology …)
That D**N [3*] word is stuck in my mind like a bad tune %|

Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:05 am
Thank you Freelancer, lets get this back on the right track…

but no, guess that was way too much to hope for…
yada, yada, yada, More sensless drivel…

Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:07 pm
Congrats kids - you have totally disgusted the artist involved - I can’t imagine him posting his work here at Elysiun again soon either…

Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:02 pm
You no longer deserve an apology… I must be a bad shot…

Which brings us up to this post and my stupid little plan…

  1. do something so outrageous that people will start to pay attention to what I am saying…

  2. never got this far… after all, I wasn’t actually going to do it…

well, with that said, I think it may be time to go back to lurker mode… Good luck to all, you are going to need it…

BTW - birras: Sorry to highjack your thread but I didn’t want it to end like this and I knew that this reply would bump it up to the top again… so you can at least try to salvage this mess if you choose too …

Maybe you could edit your origional post and change the title - something like “retitled: olaf’s great pics -go directly to page4”

Maybe olaf will even forgive us and post more of his works (wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t…)

[1*]heh heh heh… HECK - gotcha
[2*]If you don’t know what this refers to, you are not paying attention.
[3*]DARN… see [*1]

Uh… TOo much caffeine? %|

Anyway, I think people should: ahem


There, now I feel better. ANd THis thread deserves to be locked and burned. :wink:

lemmy i second your opinion!

admin please lock this thread. this thread got a life on its own and most posteres even did not understand that this image was only a test but started stupid vocal fights about it.

people pls do constructive critqiue and stop offending…


I think some people have overreacted WAY too much in the last posts. Why don’t everyone take a deep breath and relax a little bit. All the tension is bad for your heart.


OMG! Look what posting link to a nice pic, made with blender and rendered in yafray can do. %|

Next time I will select a better title for the thread, like:

nice pic [!]

its propably the word “photorealistic”, what provoced the whole thing. Come to think of it, the critics where not put of place, due to the title and the fact, that some people tend to overreact at times. Its human nature. So lets just take it easy, click on the link again, enjoy a nice blender-pic without the need to search for evidence that its not PR. To avoid further discussion, I just changed the title, so we can just enjoy this pic, as it is: a nice blender pic. deffinately CG, but does look a little bit like a photo to the untrained eye.

anyway, happy blending to all