
speed test of blender 2.30 (which i love :slight_smile:
modelling: apr. 40 min
texturing: apr. 10 min

i will make the rest of him…hmm but i dont know when :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s cool! Although I found 2.3 kinda hard to work in…

well no i think its better then other version.i love the new spacebar menu.Its just to cool. (perhaps because im using 3dsmax where something like this is included)And its really faster now.But thats only me :slight_smile:

is that bump tex procedural? if it is, what is it???

lol, look like the character from the odd world :smiley:

Nice skin texture. Magic bump map?

Cool, I like the toonlikeness of him. I hope to see rest of him also.

no the skin texture is a snake skin texture.

Looks good, maybe you could make it a little less ‘shiny’ turn down the spec a bit. Also i find the interface of 2.3 a bit jumbled up, its too case sensitive. I dont really like working in 2.3 doing texturing.

may we see the textures?

its only one bump texture (snake skin) the rest are procedular textures.

edit: and yea eye texture made in photoshop.