NIF Help!


I’ve been introduced to blender to be able to modificate .NIF file from a game called Fallout: New Vegas. My blender knowledge is very limited, but I have instructed my self enough to know the basic of modelling.

The task im trying to do is very simple. Importing an existing .NIF file and do some minor change to it.
My problem is when I go in edit mode and try to move verticles/faces around the changes doesnt apply when I switch back to object mode and I don’t know why. If I delete verticles the changes will apply when going to object mode but not when modifiying their position.

What am I missing? :confused:

I have been able to setup my blender successfully to import .NIF files using those programs:

Blender 2.49
Python 2.6.6
PyFFI 2.1.5
Blender nif plugin 2.5.5
