Hi all, I’ve started work on a very short animation. So far I’ve just got a storyboard and animatic done. Now for the hard work. For release in 2012!!
veeeeeerrrry creepy music, but thats a temp?
what medium are you planning on using?
Final in Blender. My animation skills are close to zero at the moment so it’s a learning exercise.
well good luck with it then. and as always, if you get stuck, come ask someone!
am looking forwrd to updates
Thanks. I’ll probably use this model for one of the characters. Needs some more work though.
well, it depends on the level of detail you are wanting to acheive. the first thing i’d give a touch up on is the clothing and the hair. then i’d work out how the limbs and hands are going to be, aesthetically. but the face seems fine for now. you dont want to worry about the face untill you’re nearing the end of development.
Settling on a degree of stylization is a problem for me. I’m using harkyman’s book (Animating with Blender) as a guide, and his characters are quite highly stylized. I was initially going for more realism with the character above (I did it before starting on the animation) but I might go for a less realistic look. It’s the sort of artistic decision I’m not good at making.
well its a decision you need to make before you start actually heading into blender to produce it.
im like you, not a great visual mind as far as concepts go. so what was suggested to me is that i find a bunch of stuff that i find intriguing(sp?) and visually compelling and take elements from that. compile all these elements into a sort of inspiration board and put it somewhere OUTSIDE of your computer. so you can build it up over time and look at it, change it, do what ever you want to it. before you know it you have a style for your project.
Character design is the next chapter in the book. I’m starting to think I might go for a manga style because it’s fairly well-defined and shouldn’t be too hard to make consistent. In which case I won’t be using that model posted above.
hmm a brutal manga project. nice!
Let me know if you need any help with anything. My main skillset is as follows:
Modelling / sculpting
writing (but youve already got that covered
Thanks. I’ll be working on character design for the next little while, then on to modelling.
Here’s my first sketch for my main character.
I’ve started work on my character. Pretty rough at this stage, arms, hands and feet especially but they’re next to work on. I’m going for a bit more realistic than the sketch above. Face is actually based on Audrey Hepburn, not that it’s easy to tell. Hair, eyebrows and dress are suggestive only, I expect the final result will be a lot more detailed.
Have done some work on the eyes. Probably not the final colour but the process seems to be working fairly well.
Used particles for eyebrows and lashes. Need a bit more practise but basically OK. Polygon hair is a mess. I need to do a lot of work on that. Skin is just basic material at this stage (with a touch of noise thrown in). Will be UV texturing eventually.
Hello and good day to all.Thanks for the info