Night Walk

Hi there! This is my latest work in Blender, it is called Night Walk. Hope you like it!

Cycles, 1200 samples, 1080 x 1920 150%.


UOU!!! Great job man, i loved the ghost effect!

Thank you Cgzoni!

Very good.

Awesome, que buen trabajo!

Awesome work! everyhing is amazing from the concept to ghost effect.

Love it.
The material is really interesting, makes me think of mignature like in Paranorman movie.

Very nice work

The skeleton looks so good ! :o

Awesome, reminds me of Tim Burton movies (which I love).

Wow, I really dig the ghost design!! The pose of the boy seems a little bit too casual, but nevertheless an awesome piece :slight_smile:

So cool! I loved his hair material and the ghost, it reminds me stop motion animations

I’d love to see the ghost material… And is there a story here? :slight_smile:

Wow, Thank you all guys for your kind words is always encouraging to read this, I’m glad you liked it. @Meshmonkey I’m a big fan of Burtonesque stuff so this is a really huge compliment for me! Thank you man, I always found the classics of Tim Burton quite astonishing,

@Hanuk I know what you mean about the pose, maybe it was due to poor sketching pre-production haha but shure it won’t happen on further works, I’ll work more on it :D,

@jabeck the skeleton material (bone) is just two diffuse nodes (one grey and the other black) mixed by a dirty vertex map generated from the sculpting and with some adjustment with RGB curves, The green ghostly trace with a green emitting shader into the Volume Material Output.

wow… its 1st time that i love Ghost. :slight_smile: hehehe
cool composition … like it