Ninja game thingy ...whatever .:WIP:.

I have update it and add tons of animations, mainly for the combat move

Check it out:

Move: arrow button
Jump: space
Change speed: Ctrl
Change weapon: Shift + Z or X
Punch/Attack : A (Try use it with the weapon cause i have add new animation here)
and lot more but still not finish

Please tell me what you think so far

Nice fighting animations, how did you add the option, to make more animations for fighting, and everytime I hit the A key, it’s a random animations. How did you do that random animation. :smiley:

They are not random, i use the property to make it play like that but there were some random py script on the net if you search :smiley:

If you press up button repaidy, it will became faster and faster and look wrong. I have fix this.

Wow. that’s amazing behaviors(animations)
Maybe…why is the fighter too small ?

Thanks jm

…and yeah, why not make it bigger :smiley:

…but he is too low poly and i want the game run fast

What fps did u get? (guess?)

Added jump attack, so you can do round kick and all that stuff now

Press space then A
Use weapon press space then A

Hope you like it :smiley:

the scale of object “doesn’t matter”.
most relevant is number of polygons.
in your game is too little polygons, so don’t be afraid of slowing down the game.

(I have seen the game in Blenderengine which have over 120 000 polygons and run on 44fps.)
…i think your game run on “my” computer on 85fps.

Thanks jms, i will keep that in mind. For now, i will just leave it as it is till i finish all the animation and control etc.

Another update:
Added the combo restarter

Lets see, i have put 4 animations for ground and no weapon attack. If i hit A, i will do the attack num 1 and press another A, to attack num 2. But if i wait 2 sec after i press the the attack num 2, it will restart back to attack num 1 and not to attack num 3. I also have added this option to others attack mode.

Hope you like it :smiley:

Also, this is how my logic brick for the armature look like
Its a bit confusing when it get larger. I need to name all of them to make them clear to me. I hope blender have some kind of layer inside it or an option like if you click at a special button at the controller, you can get just the link that connect to the controller which are sensors and actuators, so it will be much easier to work with. what do you think?

wow thats a lot, perhaps you can use some python to handle at least half of that. it would be easier to read and change,

Wow, that is really cool! 8)