Nintendo Project

I asked my eleven year old brother what he thought I should use as subject matter for my next project. Without hesitation he burst out, “Mario!” I laughed at the idea but then realized that Nintendo characters are the perfect starting point for me. So here is a glimpse at where it is at so far.

Feel free to suggest my next subject. I was thinking Link from The Legend Of Zelda. Perhaps just stick with Mario characters for now. Let me know what you think.


Haha. Thats the most realistic version of Mario I’ve ever seen. I don’t even think Nintendo put that much effort into him. Looks accurate. Go for it!


On 2nd glance his mustache does look too thin. Mario had a big ol’ stache, but you are close.

Got his hat on there and added some eyes :eek: !!!


Hmmm… I think, the cheeks are a little bit too prominent and it’s odd that you sculpted out the mustache. For sake of control, it should rather be a seperate mesh :slight_smile:

Though, it’s a very nice sculpt :slight_smile:

Looks nice! and kram1032, if he retopod the sculpt, he could make a fully controlable mesh. Easiest way to do it imo.

yeah, true :slight_smile: