Nissan 350Z WIP

Hello blenderheads.
I’m trying to model a Nissan 350Z Fairlady. I intend to model a basic 350Z and then make some modification in his body…
So, this what I got until now:


good grief:eek: !nice modelling mayn!

Nice work man modeling looks solid.

1 Like

taking shape - fine modeling.
look forward to seeing it evolve.

Thanks for the comments dudes.:smiley:

I changed the old tires and rims.
C&C are welcome.


…and now I add a brake disc and a discpad.
Looks better now!:slight_smile:


Very nice modelling and lighting.
A small crit on the car:
The nose of the car looks a little too short look here to see what I mean. Specifically, look from the wheel-well to the front of the bumper, at least I noticed a difference in proportion.
The rear might be a tad short as well.

Wonderful work! Happy Blending!

Soter: Thanks for the comment.
About the proportion problems: I think it was a camera problem, the angle that I put to render made that, the camera was not located precisely in the horizontal line.
Take a look in these screenshots:

Just a slight update on the rear part of the car.
C&C are welcome!


Very clean work. This is a pleasure to watch unfold.
I was wondering if the proportions were a camera issue, I forgot to mention that… Looks spot on, no crits here. :0)

nice work on the rear section, it seems u left out a cut from the rear light to the the wheel area, did u do that on purpose?

no crits, tires are great, i’m waiting for the next steps

nice modeling !
waiting to see it finished.


so many great cars all of sudden great job.

Looks Awesome!
My only comment is that it looks like it is made from clay.

Thanks for the comments dudes :slight_smile:
Forgive me for my delay in answering, I had a lot of exams last week in my college and I didn’t have time to work on this WIP.

An updated on my materials and lights. The scene has 5 lights now: 1 sun, 1 hemi and 3 spots (to emphasize the car curves!) and a HDRI probe.

The render is not so good, I used low quality render to make it faster.
This part is the most difficult for me (materials, light, render…). Any crits about my materials and lights are welcome


Hello fellas,
Just an updated on materials and headlights…
C&C are welcome!:smiley:


WOW!this is great…one crit though…the rims could use a better material than you have now…but other than that its spot on mayn!:cool:

Looks great! I liked the orange better, not because of the color, just seems somewhat cooler. did you use any other programs before blender?

Thanks for the comments fellas.

trak wrecka: I like the rim materials :(, but I’ll make some changes and then I post here the results. Thanks :smiley:

tarkata14: I have a problem to choose the color of my cars… I always begin with a color different from red but in the end I change to red :D.
I used photoshop only to diminish the size (the original has 380kb) to attach the image.

Is that yafray?