Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z (2004)

Hi everybody this in my first WIP on this forum. I decided to model one of the car that enjoyed the most on GT5, the SuperGT Nismo Z. After two or three weeks of modelling in my spare time i think it’s time to open the WIP.

The model needs still some details (especially the interiors) but it’s almost finished, the materials and textures are temporary. Hope to reach a good level with your tips and help.


Started paint texturing, it will be very hard because i’m not good at it and it’s pretty complex… Here are some references and the work so far.


Been away from blender for a while, yesterday i’ve almost finished to paint the car body here are the progress

This is actually really nice . Good job !

Thank you very much!

Did you use Photoshop to paint the textures or everything done inside of Blender ?

85% inside of Blender 15% GIMP

oh neat . Do you know where i can find tutorials or learn how to make textures like these in blender ?

I’m sorry i don’t really know, i’d say try on youtube and then just try to find your way…

Here are some update, now it’s almost finished! I know it’s way far from perfection but I’m pretty satisfied with the overall result given the difficulties to manually paint the textures (i still consider myself a beginner…).


really cool decal mapping :slight_smile: