NLA - Armature Actions and Shape Keys export from Blender to Sketchfab

I’ve been digging into this subject for quite a while now, most of the answers I can find are few years old now or refer to similar but not identical situation - so not sure about their relevance, hopefully some of you guys can shed some light on this for me here :slight_smile:

I’m making a model in Blender consisting of several objects (head is separate object from the body, some other parts as cape are separate objects too) and one Rigify armature parent. I have several Armature Actions, a few Shape Keys actions and in NLA panel I’m putting this together in one “Scene Animation” (still new to NLA editor but managed to get this look fine in Blender).

I would like to have this in exported i.e. in Sketchfab - but in general would like to get an idea how to make things work not only in Blender but be able to export it elsewhere with Sketchfab as an example (although I assume things may work differently for each software).

  • Is there any way to have Shape Keys Actions actually working from .blend file in Sketchfab? They seem to never work in my several tries, no matter if I apply all modifiers before (apart from Armature modifier), I have their names in SF animation panel but they are just now showing on a model

  • exporting .blend file gives me several action animations in Sketchfab to play separately - which would be ideal, but I understand there is no way to combine this in a way that one Sketchfab action is consisting of both armature action and shape key change (i.e. face expression) - or can they be i.e. baked together in Blender first as one action only?

  • with export as FBX I can get shape keys working but then having only one “Scene Animation” as a whole, without playing different poses and actions in Sketchfab - but FBX in my case changes a few animations in a weird way so it’s not ideal, but maybe I will try make these animations from scratch…