No audio mixer hotkey for you!

From the Blender Wiki:

Audio Mixing in the VSE:
You can have as many Audio strips as you wish and the result will be the mixing of all of them. You can give each strip its own name and Gain (in dB) via the N menu. This also let you set a strip to mute or ‘Pan’ it; -1 is hard left, +1 is hard right, with percentages in-between.
Overlapping strips are automatically mixed down during ANIM processing. For example, you can have the announcer on channel 5, background music on channel 6, and foley sound effects on channel 7.

Animating Audio Track Properties

A ‘Volume’ IPO curve can be added for the selected audio strip by Ctrl LMB clicking in the IPO Window as it is done for effect strips. The Fac channel controls the volume. You want to set a value somewhere between 0.0 and 1.0, and the volume becomes that percent; 0.6 is 60%. You can add a gain to the volume through the strip properties (N).

Okay, so that’s what (N) is supposed to do. But when I hit it, it doesn’t bring up gain or rename or other strip properties.

In the first picture, the N menu is in the upper left. Clicking it does nothing.

In the second picture, the bottom sequencer button is clicked, and filter on the bottom right is visible. Is that the same thing?

How do I get my N key to work?



Yes, it’s basically the same thing. The floating panel was removed and replaced with the sequence properties panel that you show in your second shot.

Which panel is the sequence properties panel? The bottom window, far left? There should still be a hotkey for it, or at least the ability to assign a hotkey to open up the audio sequencer options.