no decent renderer

i tried most of the renderers and here is what i got :eek: :

blender internal - nice one but i can’t do a good composition (i wounder how they did sintel???) if any got a good tuts about it i’ll be :smiley: (i don’t need composite very good with vray)

vray - exporter not finished and in 200 frames animation it takes about 5h to export, 10 gigas or more of space, one miss you need to do it again :mad:

yafaray - exporter away from finished, one miss and it wont render, although it’s integration is nice with blender (no mesh export process) :mad:

luxrender - v.good exporter :confused: but as unbiased no way to render animation unless you own a render farm :RocknRoll:, and as yafaray nice integration (no mesh export)

mitsuba - no comment (i mean very very basic exporter) :o


how i’m going to use blender when i can’t export my work :eek:

any ideas will be more than welcome :slight_smile:

Blender Internal is currently the best you can get for animations using Blender, you might want to read up on tutorials related to compositing and video editing. The artists working on Sintel generally had a bunch of separate .blend files depicting a different scene, rendered the scenes separately, then composited them together in the video editor.

For internal compositing of each shot you’d usually use the .exr format, then when you’re done you save the whole thing to a more common format.

some ideas:
blender internal - You need to spend A LOT of time learning about rendering process and how you can get the best of it. It’s the best solution for animation. If you wander how they make Sintel, you always can get a copy of it and there are lots of tutorials and comments from the people behind that. :wink:

yafaray - You need to spend A LOT of time learning about rendering process and how you can get the best of it.

luxrender - You need to spend A LOT of time learning about rendering process and how you can get the best of it.

so, making it short, in Luxrender and Yafaray sites there are lots of good documentation; then (when you’ve read all that) you need to spend HOURS doing renders and realizing which things render fast and which not. Then you’ll have the capacity of taking artistic and technical decisions to make your renders faster and better. It’s all a matter of learning and doing.
With any renderer.

ps: you shouldn’t come with “no decent renderer” title. I mean, “i don’t found a decent renderer” will be more adequate, i think.
i hope it helps.

@ ace dragon:thanks but nothing u add :slight_smile:
@ meschoyez:thanks and sorry (i’m no fluent in english) and yafaray is good but very weird names for the attributes.

waiting for more opinions :slight_smile:

I too have a pencil that will not draw correctly.

Try different setup. The pencil is quite decent renderer.
Just kidding;)

What seems to be wrong with internal? Lack of magic “Render beautiful art” button?

Absolutely bloody marvelous! :slight_smile:
This just made my day…

YMMD as well :smiley:

Blender Internal is the Best renderer. See this Image created in Blender Internal in version 237 and Thisalso a New one done in 249b and this complete animation created in 249b Internal Render.

thanks again but as i said (I’M NO GOOD AT COMPOSITION)

and no need for magic button, i rendered using max and vray before and didn’t need that button !!!

@kkrawal those look so flat :eyebrowlift:, and not production ready :(, i can do better renderings :smiley:

@bat3a: I don’t think it’s possible to make stunning renders without mimimal tweaking (i.e. compositing) in Blender. So I’d recommend delving into compositing.

Then maybe the renderer is just fine, and what you lack is a decent artist…

@organic thanks for the insults but i said i can render fine with vray i have nice renders with it :frowning:

Have you looked at the images in the forum gallery on this site, some were made in an external renderer, but many others were done in BI, should give you an idea of what is possible with enough work.

Because BI isn’t a physical GI renderer you have to do more work with the materials and lighting than say, if you used Vray (bounce lights, material tricks, ect…)

with blender internal maybe try using indirect lighting?
and maybe you just need to put aside some time and learn how to composite?
you dont need to do loads of composition to massivly improve your image

While it should be added that a lot of improvements to BI are waiting in Render Branch :slight_smile:

Oh, it is not an insult, it is an observation…and the quote is from you. Originally Posted by bat3a
thanks again but as i said (I’M NO GOOD AT COMPOSITION)
So you can make good compositions with V-Ray? Or are you mistranslating something?

If you can’t find a decent renderer where everyone else can, may I refer you back to meschoyez’s observations. Perhaps you need to spend more time learning how to use the tools.

in vray no composition is needed, as it is all simulated (lens flare, volumetrics, lens effects etc.)

@ace dragon: i did a good light setup, but even so to light a character how much lights u need (3) ???
@casio23: i used IL and it is not enough, and (it is all simulated) that’s what i’m talking about :slight_smile:
@organic: saying i’m not good at compositing does make me a bad artist, sometimes the tools are the stupid ones :wink:

i’m now looking for a good compositing tutorials, if you have some tell me :slight_smile: (and please forget the basic ones)