No Light or Color in the BGE standalone player

Hi I hope you are having a good day.

Here’s the thing my games and all the other BGE Blend files I have downloaded work fine in the
embedded player all the lights, colors and textures are visible,
but for some reason at least 95% of all lights and objects turn black in the standalone
player and lose their color resulting in a nearly complete black screen.
Does anyone know what is causing the problem or how to fix it.

Note: I am using Blender 2.68a

Thank you! Any Solutions and Help will be greatly appreciated.

Make sure that each and every object has a material, even if it is set to default material settings. Also make sure your lamps are set up correctly and any shadows aren’t set up incorrectly.

Thanks Mr PhutuLips all my objects have materilas

Thanks I changed a couple of the material settings and most of my objects are now visible
I really appreciate the help Mr PhutuLips.

Also make sure you have lamps and that when you export it is set to texture mode.