No more CIA?

Gah, where do I get my FOSS geek-on now? I always liked to poke in here for Blender, Gimp, and Mypaint to see what was happening.

Sad news indeed…

Curious… What was this?

It was a site that displayed coding commits of various projects.
Well this blows. How where can one find the latest Blender revision log entries now? Is there no easy path to this info in the BlenderDev pages somewhere?

I’m going to at least try to write an app for Twitter that tweets Blender SVN commits. I’ve done it before, but writing Twitter apps has become much more complicated since then.

I know, I know, not everyone does Twitter. But it’s a start. Maybe someone will be interested in bringing CIA back, who knows.

i made this stupid little plasmoid that crawls through the list and shows me updates…

it was a simple project to quickly learn about kde plasmoids… and is far from greatness, but can be extended if anyone needs, to show more feeds, different apps etc…

but i think blender foundation could add rss support to their projects/viewVC site… anyone could connect easily to those feeds.


Sounds good, dsavi.

Thanks for the link, Michael W. … tedious but it sure beats sitting in the dark.

@basse. OK I can find out if and how I can use your plasmoid with ol’ Google. I’ll do that tomorrow, for I just stumbled upon a good way to screw up my microwave oven tonight. OOOH Those Plasmoids! :slight_smile:

@arexma - OK that’s much easier on the eyeballs. No rev numbers but easy to scan.

Thanks everyone.

It will be back…

Update: Wow, that was quick. Merely hours after this announcement, CIA is already in the process of being transferred to new ownership. The team at have volunteered to take on maintenance, hosting, and future development, and the future of CIA is actually looking pretty bright right now! I’ll have more updates later.

Props to! Guess I won’t be writing that stupid app then! Open source is great, isn’t it?

Woohoo it’s back up! Big thanks to the people at

what about Interpol?

Somewhat of a bump I know, but I do miss - it seemed to come back for a little while then go down again.

I only just figured out that the above link gets you all the commits to scroll through from including branches. I saw the trunk only one and didn’t scroll down far enough to find the other full one at first, so I just figured gitorious was a bit slow or incomplete with updates for a while.

Only thing still bugging me a little is that it lacks the revision number in the sense of r37330 for practically keeping track of builds on Is there a hidden site option somewhere to display this instead of the seemingly random 8b53ada style tags? Other than that it seems gitorious is a worthy replacement.

Eh, me old svn->git mirror that JesterKing took over a while back.

The commit numbers are different than svn revision numbers since git does it differently (in a way I can’t remember off the top of my head). If you click the link it does show the svn revision like the bolded number here:

git-svn-id: 954f8c5b-7b00-dc11-b283-0030488c597c

Bump, again. I know.

It seems that is up and running again solidly for other projects just fine now. for example. Blender’s feeback is halted from when the site went down last time, so I’m wondering if it is a simple matter of the account owner/maintainer of the Blender feed sending them an email or something to get it running again.

I’ve tried the other methods of reading the commit logs, it just seems that agreed with me the most from a readability point of view. As a user trying to keep track of Blender anyway.

Anyone know who set the bot going in the first place? I’d be tempted to tinker myself but it would make more sense to me to have the existing one working again.

/agree! I actually tinkered with it a bit when it was broken. For the life of me though, I could not get it to work.

Well I’ve got myself access and trying to tinker with it again. Could be a bit hit and miss waiting for actual commits coming through to test it…