No purchase necessary

Today I got a little card from Sam Goody telling me about a “triple point” thing happening this saturday (When i buy stuff from there i get poitns, when i get 10000 points i get a 5 dollar gift certificate). It also told me that if I bought something, i’d be entered into a contest to win one million points (the equivilant of 250 dollars there really). Then at the bottom it said “no purchase necessary, purchase does not increase your chances to win.” This made me crack up. How does it not increase my chances to win?! I buy something, they enter me, i have a small chance to win, i don’t buy anything, they don’t enter me, i have NO chances to win.

And of course, even more at the bottom it said that the contest was void in colorado, which is where i live in the FIRST PLACE!!!


I think the “no purchase necessary” thing is mandatory. Meaning that they have to give you a way to participate in the contest without buying anyting. Usually, that means sending a letter to the companie who will send you a form to fill that you then have to send back to them. Obviously, they make this process very lengthy and not free at all.
