I downloaded Blender version 2.46, and when i started using it I saw that there were some “bundled scripts” missing. So I uninstalled Blender, and reinstalled it. Now I have no scripts, not even for import, export, or Torus! :eek: Please tell me anything that I could do to fix this problem.
I assume it is your python path in the prefs pane!
Check that one!
I’m sorry, I don’t understand. But, when I click Computer>HardDrive>ProgramFiles>BlenderFoundation>Blender>.blender, there is no “.scripts”.
I think there was an issue with the installer version… download the packed .zip and they should be in there.
I believe if you accept all the default installer settings, your scripts will be installed at:
hard drive: Documents and Settings\Computer Name\Application Data\Blender Foundation\Blender.blender\scripts
(for Win)
To install under the Blender directory you need to select the 2nd option when the “where do you want Blender to install its data” query comes up.
Maybe that’s the problem.
edit, dumb post
This issue has come up several times. In fact, there are probably quite a few Windows Vista users who don’t even realise that Blender cannot access the scripts with the default install settings (i.e. they appear to be missing).
As I mentioned on another post, here’s the fix that works permanently for the install file:
There’s an issue with scripts not being picked up properly under Vista. You’ll need run Blender by right-clicking and ‘Run as administrator’.
The issue is to do with user profiles, where the script files are stored with the default installation settings.
This is a bit of a pain to do every time you want to use scripts in Blender but don’t worry - there’s a more permanent workaround. Reinstall Blender again but this time, where the installation asks you where you want to store the scripts, don’t use the default setting - use the second option instead. This is the one that mentions storing the scripts in the same folder as the Blender install. This is actually where Blender stored the script files prior to 2.46 anyway.
Blender 2.46 should now always run with the scripts intact, whether Blender is run as administrator or not.
Thanks guy’s. I’ll try that. But what free software can open .zip files?
Windows can open zip files, but if you can’t get that to work, try 7zip. Personally I use WinRAR, but not everyone is so accepting of nag windows. Edit… Bah, you got there first Jarell.
This has been fixed in SVN and the next bugfix version will be working like pre-2.46. Such problems should then be again from the past. Probably.
Nathan, great news! Thanks heaps for looking into this. Don’t know if this is also fixed but the 2.46 uninstall leaves quites a few files behind. The uninstall should only leave user created and/or modified files behind.
Leaving all the initial default install options ‘as is’, the following are left behind after uninstall:
‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\uninstall.exe’
‘C:\Users<i><Current User>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation’ with all the files and folders.
Shortcuts are left behind as well.
Hope this helps squishing some Windows install bugs.
Thanks, I’ll contact the guy who wrote the nsis installer scripts.