no sound in Blender - UbuntuStudio

I have recently switched from windows to Ubuntu Studio

I am having issues trying to get and sound to work in Blender
I pretty sure I have 2 sound cards - which might be the cause (one built in and a Realtek Audio sound card)

has anyone overcome this problem

I had no problem with sound in Windows (I don’t want to back :frowning: )

sound works with other apps?
If yes it’s probably a missing library?
Start Blender from a console…any error messages?
Anyway try to install open AL (libopenal?) and SDL (libsdl?)

Assuming that your audio is working correctly in Ubuntu (startup sounds, video etc.) I find that building Blender from SVN (with Scons) takes care of the audio problem, at least with Feisty.

Hang in there! making the switch to Linux takes some effort, but in the long run it’s a great move.



yep, sound works with other apps - (although I can’t have 2 apps using the sound card at once)
no error messages when I start from terminal - says looking for python - Got it!

I install openal from the repo’s - I think I got the right one - is there a way to check?

I didn’t install SDL because I already have a version on my system - I don’t know if this is the right version either. When I checked to install another one it said it was going to uninstall the one I already have

so I am still not getting any sound in Blender

Thanks Pappy

yeah I love Linux - Open source community is awesome
Blender is what opened my eyes :wink:

I will try and build blender then
never built anything successfully before
but Blender won;t let me down

Hello again

try this one:
start blender from the console with the -g noaudio option like this:
blender -g noaudio
this disables the sound in the game engine, thus, liberating the “mixer” for the blender audio window…I hope

no love with the -g noaudio option

I am attempting to build with Scons - I have just figured out how to use SVN and checked out the source

is this Scons another lib that I have to download or is it an option I have to enable when building

I am a bit confused with this SVN stuff
I thought a tar ball was confusing

OK so I figured out the Scons is a compiling tool

I have tried to compile and I’m getting errors and it stops

the first error is this:

Compiling ==> 'SND_SDLCDDevice.cpp'
intern/SoundSystem/sdl/SND_SDLCDDevice.cpp:47:17: error: SDL.h: No such file or directory

do you know what I did wrong

Hi Waylow,

to successfully compile the blender build you need several libraries installed… in your case is it the sdl development library , just try to find it in Synaptic (do a search for sdl or libsdl and have a look for the suffix “dev”… I am under windows at the moment so I can’t look for myself) and install it. After doing that, you should again ty to compile blender a look for the next error :wink:

And just another hint: Every compilation error is a little hint for everyone trying to compile blender. What I mean is that if blender complains of missing some xyz-stuff, look for xyz and xyz-dev packages in your distro… don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it seems :slight_smile:

When you’re a nervous man you could also have a look at and search for a compilation howto-there will be a list of needed packages for a successfull build - but you still have to find and install the appropriate packages for your distro (Ubuntu studio)

Greetings and happy compiling, Tom (1981Neo)

thanks 1981Neo

I install the SDL-dev and got a little further
but just doing as you suggested
checking what it’s missing then re-try

i’ll let you know how far I get (hopefully all the way)

OK I got this far

Linking program ==> 'blender'
/home/waylow/build/linux2/lib/libbf_soundsystem.a(SND_OpenALDevice.o): In function `SND_OpenALDevice::LoadSample(STR_String const&, void*, int)':
SND_OpenALDevice.cpp:(.text+0xe42): undefined reference to `alutLoadWAVMemory'
SND_OpenALDevice.cpp:(.text+0xed2): undefined reference to `alutUnloadWAV'
SND_OpenALDevice.cpp:(.text+0xf05): undefined reference to `alutLoadWAVFile'

I have OpenAL installed from the synaptic (I installed every version on there)
I also tried to install OpenAL form the source
and I still have the same error

I am now stumped

These are the current packages of openal I have installed

waylow@ulappy486:~$ apt-cache search "openal"
libalut-dev - OpenAL Utility Toolkit development files
libalut0 - OpenAL Utility Toolkit
libcoin40c2 - high-level 3D graphics kit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support - runtime
libghc6-alut-dev - Haskell ALUT binding for GHC
libghc6-openal-dev - Haskell OpenAL binding for GHC
libopenal-dev - OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio
libopenal0a - OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio
libopenalpp-cvs-dev - Object Oriented version of OpenAL
libopenalpp-cvs1 - Object Oriented version of OpenAL
libosgal-cvs-dev - OpenSceneGraph adapter for OpenAL
libosgal-cvs1 - OpenSceneGraph adapter for OpenAL
openalpp-cvs-doc - Object Oriented version of OpenAL
osgal-cvs-doc - OpenSceneGraph adapter for OpenAL
python-openal - port for Python of the OpenAL library

I think I have the right version of openal it is complaining about

does anyone know how I can solve this error?

I found it was a linker problem

SO I have sucessfullly built Blender - only I still have the same problem with the sound :frowning:

is there a way to check what blender uses for the sound settings?

or should I have built blender with a special option - no game engine for example?

Hi again!

Just came around here and saw that you are progressing :wink: Well done! But now back to your initial problem, the sound:
I’ve got 2 questions about that…did you install (or is it already installed) the libsdl**-all (that’s for playing sound with all the different sound architectures [like alsa,oss,arts and so on] on sdl) ?
If everything is installed, did you try to export your SDL_Audiodriver and start blender with the noaudio option?

Example (move to the dir where blender is located and copy and paste it to the console):

export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa && blender -g noaudio

If this works you would probably like to insert the export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa to your /etc/environment to have it set everytime you start?!

Greetings, Tom

Have you made “sound” work before, in Blender?
Try to load and play a wav sample (16 bit, pcm) in the game engine in the Panels-Scene-Sound menu.

I have noticed I am getting an error in the console with this build

found this thread

the solution is similar as you mentioned Tom
(I just tested it w/o the -g noaudio and it works fine also)

just edited the /etc/environment file
but am a bit confused
because it worked once and now it doesn’t work anymore

but it still works when I enter my /blender folder then type it manually

I don’t know why it only worked once but i can live with typing it

It is working yay!! :slight_smile:

I do have a error message in the console with this build thou

waylow@ulappy486:~$ cd blender
waylow@ulappy486:~/blender$ export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa 
waylow@ulappy486:~/blender$ blender
guessing 'blender-bin' == '/usr/bin/blender-bin'
Compiled with Python version 2.4.4.
Checking for installed Python... got it!
Ignoring Xlib error: error code 169 request code 147
Ignoring Xlib error: error code 169 request code 147

something is wrong with my xLib??

thanks for everybodies help

Hi again,
the XLib-error is not important…blender is ignoring it by the way :cool:

The other thing is easy:
With the export command written to the environment file you tell Ubuntu to export the SDLAudioDriver=alsa everytime you start your PC. You don’t tell it to start blender with the “-g noaudio” command. To fix the behaviour of typing “blender -g noaudio” everytime you start it, you have to do a right click on the applications menu of your Ubuntustudio and edit the blender starter (just check the “run in terminal” option too because you will notify possible errors and status messages easier).

And a short tip: Please don’t try to close the terminal that appears after you clicked on your blender menu entry (after applying all the proposed changes) - it will cause blender to close too :rolleyes:. Right after the start it doesn’t matter but if you are working on a project for a longer time in one session (without saving) then it will matter :confused:

Happy Blending and have fun with a very cool operating system, Tom (on Edgy)