(no title) Christmas gift (sword)

Hello Guys!
A friend of mine is a huge fan of Swords. And he really likes my work, as well. So I decided to make a special gift for him and this is the result…and it’s pretty dark, again. I think this is kind of my stile. ^^
But anyway … let’s get technical: I rendered this in an insane resolution of 3042*6144 pixels, but because my compositor crashed, i was only able to save it at 90% of the render resulotion (this happend previousely to me, so i carefully increased the resolution by using scale-nodes and the render presets-values…those blour-nodes sometimes have troubles with big resolutions…).
As you might notice: the blade shader doesen’t look like metal … but i actually did it on porpuse, since my buddy is a fan of Avatar and Sokka once made a sword out of a meteor…so it’s supposed to look like some sort of metal/stone combination. (I’m a blender artist, i am allowed to do anything i want. ^^)
Next intresting thing: because of performance reasons, i cheated a little bit while doing the smoke…so i really did a smoke simulation buut it’s pretty lowres, so added some more details using image textures. I hope you guys like it!
See a png-version here.