Nobleman Bust - sculpted character

Hey everyone!

It’s been ages since I posted anything here. Blender Cookie keeps me really busy and so I don’t get too much time to do my own work. The other day, though, a friend asked me to do a piece for inclusion in a gallery page. The timeframe was really short and so I didn’t take this nearly as far as I would like (no textures, no props or accessories) but I was happy enough with the result to show it here.

Constructive criticism and comments always welcome!

Sculpted in Blender, rendered in Blender Internal, subtle post production done in Pixelmator.


You can find a high-resolution version here:

amazing sculpt you did there

Very nice sculpt here Jonathan. I hope you find more time in the future to get to your own projects, but we are greatful for all the work you do for BlenderCookie :smiley:


Looking nice Jonathan! From a selfish point of view I’m glad you don’t have time to post artwork… Keep up the quality work with Blendercookie, it’s a daily visit for me.

Blendercookie is great! Thank you all for excelent work. And thanks for sharing this nice piece. Very well sculpted. Looks Vladmir Lenin.

Very nice sculpt, Jonathan! I think I caught him breathing.

Masterful sculpt! Would be nice to have you hanging about more, I agree with Robo, hope you can find more free time.

I would say that the orbits are a bit too large making the brow too prominent and the outside of the orbits (skull wise) extends too far towards the temporal region which makes the skeletal orbits a bit too large for the eyeballs themselves. There would have to be a great deal of muscle and soft tissue to hold those puppies in. This whole area of the eyes appears exaggerated. This could be artistic preference along with the lighting used, but the rest of the model is great.

Looks a little strange with just the pupil, needs some indication of the iris to get a good feeling, brows are absolute ledges, a fact that is over emphasized by the deep shadows in the sockets. Facial hair and eyebrows look really nice and I like the ear, and the musculature of the neck. small detailes around the mouth and eyes are great too. All in all, it is very cool to see your work and hear from you Jonathan. You are our hero for sharing your knowledge the way you do.

nice work !!

Looks like Lenin… I dont know, why did you use Blender, because it possible to use Sculptris, and in this way its 20 minutes of modelling.

Here s link to my Hitlers bust threat …it was 30 or 40 minutes…with texturing and postpro…

And , as you can see, no replys , because this forum is full of assholes…:yes:

Thanks for the excellent critique, you’re absolutely spot on. I will say the lighting exaggerates it a bit but they are still too prominent.

The iris indication is actually there but I didn’t make it clear enough, I guess. Your other comments are very humbling, thank you :slight_smile:

To everyone else, thank you all for the comments and encouragement. It’s appreciated :slight_smile:

I have also attached a wireframe render of my starting point for anyone that is interested:

