I’m not sure what I did. I’m sure the problem is me doing something but do not know what.
I’ve been using compositor with node wrangler . As I move through the png seq it used to update.
i.e. I could play on timeline and watch it play.
It has stopped doing this. It plays but does not update. After pressing play, if I press pause it shows the correct image. Also if I walk up the img seq by moving the play head its fine.
Does anyone have any ideas what stupid thing I did without realizing that stopped it working.
I was not playing around with settings and pretty much use defaults. At the time it stopped I was working on adding a mask to a clip and a keyer node to remove green screen.
Thanks and sorry for my own stupidity . At least I know I did something even if I dont know what and Im not blaming the tool.
V3.1.2 seems to crash a lot especially when trying to get a track on a single point but I doubt thats relevant.