Nodes for distributing colors to a number of objects based on their location

Hi and thanks for your kind words. I am not very mathematically literate and am not a node expert but they do fascinate me :slight_smile:

I think there are many answers to your question as the result will depend on how you combine the outputs of the different colour ramp nodes. For example if you have 2 colour ramps with different colour combinations you could mix them with a colour mix node in different ways (mix, darken, multiply etc etc).

Or you could use the black and white output of the setup I made to control hue instead of value.

The possibilities are pretty much endless, as you say you could also do lots of things with maths nodes afterwards.

And to be honest I did keep on thinking afterwards! The input for the colour ramp factor is interesting as it can combine uv information with the factor value to map colours all over your model. I should investigate more on how much information it actually handles.

Speaking of which there is an incredible nodegroup made by Daniel fox (that I have already recommended many times in other posts) that extends the colour ramps possibilities in a very interesting way:

It gives you input sockets for the position and colour slots of a colour ramp. You can even input an image or a procedual texture into the colour slots allowing you to mix images with a gradient) and the position slots which gets really interesting! This node group has many possibilities that I have yet to explore. If you like colour ramps you will love this one!

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