Nokirar productions logo 2

Hi! Some of you might remember me. The reason i havent posted in a while is because i’m working on bigger projects like games so i don’t really have many renders to show. In adition to that i’m not using blender very much lately.

Anyways some of you might also remember the logo i made for myself… well heres an update for that!


i understand that this aint exactly top notch but no replys?

Make it simpler, just use the cube thing and maybe some typography if necessary and you’d have a decent logo. The rest is just clutter and doesn’t add to the logo design. Also, I’d suggest lighting the cube thing a bit more evenly for good measure.

Have a look at other exisiting established logos, you’ll notice that they’re usually kept minimalistic and simple. Your current piece is suited more towards making a site banner (if it were composed differently e.g. horizontally).

Use AO.

That is all.

Well the logo is only the cube and the other stuff is to make it look cool kuz i use it for my comp background…

Maybe you should change the font to something more interesting? Also, the text is a bit off-centre at the bottom, and cuts off slightly at the top.
Other than that it’s a pretty cool logo:)

You should lower the “Nokikar Production” cuzz now you don’t have a top margin. Allso make shure your peoples head don’t cross the text.

Other then that, the logo on itself is pretty good.
