Non-Destructive Primitives Add-on v0.2.4

ND Primitves 0.2.4


  • Origin at Corner for Cube and Grid
    Pivot at Corner

  • Preferences: Origin at Bottom as Deafult option (requires restart to take effect)

  • New Add ND Primitive Operation Properties

  1. It might be better for all cylindrical primitives to automatically adjust the adaptive resolution only along the Z axis (side segments). Thereā€™s no need to modify the divisions around the circumference.
    Capsules still donā€™t have adaptive resolution. This feature may not have been added yet, but if it is, it should only divide along the Z axis as well.
  1. I also noticed that the cylindrical primitive is dependent on the viewport scale, which causes it to apply different adaptive resolution densities. This behavior should be avoided. The initial adaptive resolution should start with the minimum divisions relative to the primitiveā€™s height for all cylindrical primitives. For the cube, the initial state should have no divisions at all, and only when the cube is scaled will divisions occur, with polygon size adjusting according to the cubeā€™s size.
    Additionally, I want the adaptive resolution on the cube to respect the initial manual divisions made on all axes using the top dial gizmo. When the checkbox for adaptive resolution is activated, it should not add more divisions but instead start from that state.
    Also, other primitives that require it should respect the manual divisions made on the cylindrical primitives as well.

fixed this in v0.2.45


Harder to fix for now, I see if I can find a solution later

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There is an issue with the capsule primitive where the gizmo position is not centered on the primitive.

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Thanks! :slight_smile: Had forgotten to compensate for the origin in that gizmo, fixed in 0.2.46

  1. I conducted some experiments with the cube primitive using adaptive divisions. I made changes only along the Z axis, but similar corrections should be applied to the X and Y axes as well.
    With the adaptive divisions checkbox marked but without any manual divisions applied to any axes, I replaced Math > Multiply with Add. This worked quite well and maintained proper adaptive subdivisions. It is noticeable when observing the Blender viewport grid, as it respects the quad size of the initial 1-meter cube.

I thought this would also resolve the issue when I made even a single manual division along any axis. However, this is where the problem begins.

  1. Here is the next experiment: after adding a single manual division on all axes, the Math > Add node no longer works well. It fails to respect the Blender grid and the initial quad size of 1 meter, as I demonstrate with the mouse cursor showing where it should align.
    To address this, some additional calculations might be needed to account for the number of divisions made along each axis and adjust the values accordingly. When I disconnected the node input in the math setup, I manually adjusted it to demonstrate the expected result.

Yeah, I have not found a good solution either yet. I might take a look at it again if I get time.

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@Dangry Your parametric primitives add-on is brilliant! Kudos!

Something Iā€™ve been waiting for since I switched from Cinema4D. I am already using the add-on in my work! Many thanks!

Could I inconvenience you with a request for the addition of a very useful base object of which its shape is used in so many contexts?

Theā€¦ EGG!

In 2022 a team of researchers discovered a formula that describes every possible egg shape found in nature. Found here is the result of their work:

This page demonstrates the formula, and also includes a Python script.

It would be a great addition to your list of supported standard primitives, since this egg formula can generate a range of shapes used in character design and other natural objects. But also in architecture, aeronautical design, and so on.

Of course, that includes eggs as well. :wink:

Thanks for considering.

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Thank you @Herbert123 But I am afraid that I do not understand a single thing about the paper you sent and how to translate it to Blender, too many weird scribbles for my brain and not enought artist friendly nodes :grin:

Perhaps this video will help you in your journey:

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No worries - thanks for that link!


I need help. Iā€™m a beginner. English is not my native language.

I apologize if this question should not be posted here. I Downloaded this addon, and i installed. I can see in the add mesh drop-down menu, but it doentā€™t allow me to select to the ND primitive. I have blender 4.2. What did I do wrong?

Hi @Lovedino2000, can you posta a video or screenshot of the issue you experience?

I just realized that I do know.I just didnā€™t notice.

Sorry to bother you again. I was inattentive.

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Thanks for creating and updating this excellent addon.

Quick question about the rounded quad sphere; is it accurate? I note there are no centre edges along the axis which when lowering the resolution becomes more pronounced.

I only mention it as my previous method of creating a quad sphere has been to use the one in the Extra Mesh Objects addon. I have to set the radius to 2.0 in order to get the effect of the sphere you see at the centre of the image next to the one ND Primitives creates. Any chance the one in ND Primitives could resemble the more accurate one from the Extra Mesh Objects addon with the centre edges?

Thanks again,