Non PID Ragdoll based on Jackii's work made for "Wrectified"

ok, I just fixed it for you :smiley:


ragdoll_without_skin (BPRFixItForYou).blend (1.77 MB)

Please take a look at my video on how unsuccessfully I’m trying to do it XP

It’s very strange because, when I take the file you posted yesterday (thanks!), I remove some ragtags and do the same, and it works, except for the ones of the legs (why did you put those new different orientations for the leg ragbones and ragtags?).

In the video I check that the axis of the cubes are exactly the same as those of the ragbones (in all cases the orientation is the same as the default global one, with all angles zero). I didn’t change the center of rotation of the ragbones, neither put the convex hull, because you didn’t do it in your posted file.

It must be something I didn’t notice :S

the ragtags dont have to align to the bones, but if you dont, the axis of thr bone is unknown without doing math,

ragbone orientation needs to match ragtag angle, to work

ragtag orientation should match bone orientation so that object.worldOrientation.col[0] = bones x axis etc.

it will work without it, but it kills some of the math

Terms - ‘RigDoll’ = a actor that approximates physics force needed to match actions performed by a armature

Action armature = The armature used to play animations

RagTags = Empties or meshes bound to each bone in the action armature, it is used to get the bone orientation and potentially world position, (length could even be stored as a property in the empty as +Y + Length should equal where the bone ends)

RagDoll = Rigid body Ragdoll

RagBones = a Rigid body in the rigid body chain of the ragdoll.

GFX Armature = A skinned version of the action armature , but with all IK removed, and each bone uses copy rotation each frame, targeting a RagBone, so it’s basically skinning the ragdoll.

It works it works!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ahah it was the Collision Bounds Convex Hull thing, it was disabled all time, I’m a disaster XP

Thank you again and sorry to bother!

No problem,

it takes tinkering to really get it performing,
and the first two rigdolls I used Ik to aim and it was a mess, now I will be using actions, so things like melee won’t be so hard, and I wont need a second armature to prevent dependency cycles.

to incorperate mouse look,
just use reg mouse look on a empty,
then use copy rotation on one of the spine bones
to the empty(note the bone axis before setting up the mouselook)

Ok! Yeah I’m trying to switch between 1st and 3rd person view in a cool way, “MGS2” style. Now I’m fighting with the physics :slight_smile:

I’ll post it when I have something decent!

It looks awesome! It’s been a while since I made my last updates on ragdolls. Sounds like it’s time to go for it again :wink:

Wrectified_Walking_Ragdoll_Start.blend (1.8 MB)


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some things:

  • arm can get stuck for a while in bended mode in front of the face after recovering ffrom falling.
  • he cannot walk upstairs, but run up to it works (first step to high i guess)
  • once fallen down and holding space the head keeps adjusting for a while (unintended? nonetheless looks real)

anyway wanted to let you know, great work.

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A - increased physics steps can help this - but ultimately we need BT_MultiBody()

B. - hold CTRL :smiley: change walk pattern - shift is run

C - I think you can wake back up one sec let me check it out

Ok, that works great.

Well, it happens twice, but now i can’t reproduce it, anyway it’s not a big deal, after x seconds it will recover.

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