Non-smooth hard shadows (low filter size on render)

For stylistic choices, I’ve decided to render my images with a low filter size (film → filter size → 0.1px)

This works for most of the elements in a scene, except for the shadows.

How do I make it so that the shadows are similar to the leaves in the image? Here is my material (colored shadows in evee).

Thank you in advance.

make sure your light has zero radius, and under the shadow options, set the filter and resolution limit to as low as it can go:

Thank you for the reply.
The issue is that I’m using a sun lamp, and the leaves (the ones casting shadows) themselves are high res.
Everything in the image is passed through a low px “filter” and the render becomes pixelated.
Does this make sense?

The same should be true for the sunlight, though it has an angle setting, rather than the radius setting:

Suffice to say - it’s very easy to get ugly, pixelated hard shadows with Eevee Next. Especially with a Sun lamp. :wink:

The options aren’t there for me. Is this evee? If so, it’s most likely a different version of Blender.
Regardless, I think my issue is with the rendering itself, not with how the shadow appears before the render.

What version are you using?

4.1 Stable. Before the nice bloom was removed :frowning:

Set your cascade size to the max:

and set your Max Distance to as low as it can be without clipping your shadows:

In the future, please state which version of blender you are using when requesting support. It’ll make it easier for you to get the help you want.


I’ve done so already.
Also, I’ll state the version of Blender next time. Thanks for reminding me.

Well, that’s the best I can do. Eevee next does seem to be a bit better and rendering sharp shadows, but I get that it comes with many consequences.

If you want perfect shadows, you have to use Cycles. Eevee is fast. Fast is not perfect

Maybe I’m not being clear enough. The shadows themselves are fine. They just don’t pass through the same filter that the rest of the render does. Does that make sense?

Thank you for the help anyway! :slight_smile:

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