Nondescript Automobile

This was mostly just a lighting test & to see if the model held up under said lighting. Obviously, there’s still a lot of detailing to be done, just wanted to be certain I had a good base to start with. :slight_smile:

If you have any C&C, fire away but try to ignore the lighting underneath the car… could have sworn I’d closed up the bottom, must have been in an earlier version I threw away.

how can the driver see over the hood? what good are those tiny little windows?

Yeah I’ll work on that, I want this thing to seem practical.

Angelfire didn’t seem to like serving my video, any suggestions on where I can get it back up online, preferably free?

Depending on how big it is… PM Alltaken. He hosts a lot of stuff for the Blender Community.

If it’s not something worth watching… I wouldn’t use other people’s hosting though.

I wouldn’t want to burden Alltaken with this, from what I’ve read he’s having bandwidth issues.

The flyaround is 2.02 MB & started out as 70 MB straight out of blender. The reason I posted it was to get critiques on the full model as opposed to just a single angle, couldn’t say if it’s necessarily worth watching for any other reason at this point. I also felt the urge to share it since it took 2 days to render. :wink:

Looking good. Like you said, detailing is gonna be needed, but it seems like an excellent start (besides the logistical errors pointed out.)

Here’s a minor update, I’m holding off on detailing any further until I get a chance to play around with subsurface creasing - no windows build (that I know of) with the patch yet & my linux box is an ancient 233MHz laptop, so not much real-time modelling getting done on there.

I worked on this mesh a bit more, still have much to add. Having a little trouble streamlining the area where the door separates from the chassis at the roof, can’t seem to get the door to match the smooth angle of the opening there. I think the front-end may be too high but I like what it does for the overall look.

Any comments or suggestions?