Noob in Blender

Hi all! This is my first post here in blenderartist. I’m a noob and i’m kinda shy to post my works here. I’ve been using blender for 3 months now. Anyway, I just want to show my works here even though they are very simple. I’ve got a courage to finally post my works so that critic people can correct my error and also to teach me on how to improved in 3d. thanks for stoping by! More power to blender and to blenderartist!

p.s. sorry for my english. I’m Asian;)


nice work, in the fish picture i’d lower all the highlights on in the foreground and add some thin mist so you’ll get more of an underwater feel to it (either with transparent cloud-textured plains or blenders built-in mist function). In the Orb Picture maybe add a bumpmap to the Orbs.

lol you have nothing to be shy about while posting your work, it looks great and welcome to blender artists.

The first two pictures are extremly dark on my monitor, but I like the fish kinda cute

Not bad after just three month of using blender, have you used other 3d programs before using blender ?

Is everything modelled in Blender in the 3rd picture? … or is it composited over a picture of the dolphin-in-the-sea?

If it’s composited, did you use Blender’s compositor nodes?


@Wild Child. Thanks for the comment. I will remember what you said. :slight_smile:

@Vitaliy. Thanks man. :slight_smile:

@3Deusz. I know it’s very dark. I need read more tutorials about lighting. It’s very hard to visualize the proper way of lighting. This is my first take on 3d and blender is my first 3d software. In my country, original 3d software or other software are very expensive and I can’t afford to buy one then one of my friend introduced it to me and I fell in-love with it ever since.

@Mike_s. The background with the dolphin is a picture(guilty :smiley: ). Just found it in google. And no, i didn’t composite it.

about the fish’s eyes? did you use the pixar eye tutorial?

Nice work. Welcome to

Man I am a noob too
But with some fine art things knowed…

The fish is ok need some detail there and there…

I like the green bals look nice

exiting projects, the fish is a funny one, probably you can make an animation later when you learn about that, very fine caracter.

you’ve got nothing to be shy about, welcome to the community!

Let me get my pitchfork and torch!!!

Hehe, no worries my friend. From what I can see you are pretty far ahead in your learning.

I love the fish :slight_smile:

keep the updates coming…