Noob: Modeling, Parenting & Rigging.

I have finished the basic modeling of my project. You can see it at:

I have modeled the whole thing as one object based on mesh planes. I am just now starting to do some research and tutorials on parenting and rigging. I am wondering, is it ok to have the entire model as a single object, or would it be better if I broke it up into independent objects that are parented to the whole?

For example: Should I select all the left arm vertices and use “P” to seperate them, and then parent them to the body and so on?

I don’t really care if it is a lot more work. I just want to find out what the best practices are and get in the habit of using them now.


I am not the best at rigging, but I have never seperated a mesh for that purpose at all and have not had any problems as a result.

Others may do it though, so I’ll wait to see what the experts have to say.


BgDM -

Thanks for the reply. Like you said, I don’t think it is necessary - but I just want to try and avoid getting into any bad habits that may be a pain to unlearn later on.

So like you, I will wait and see what the experts have to say.

You rig separate objects when you rig robots, androids and mechs made by joint rigid parts

You rig a single object when you rig organic stuff, like people, cats, mouse, spiders, insects, lawyers.

Organics rigging is made by defining Vertex Groups, not by subdividing.


Stefano -

Thanks. That was what I was looking for.