Noob question about mirror (CTRL-M) effect on UV face Select


My first post here, I can’t seem to find the answer to this in Wiki or on the forum.

I am attempting my first decent size model, The Gloster E28/39 Pioneer jet aircraft. I modelled one side of the aircraft then duplicated it, “mesh” menu then shift D. The duplicated portion was then mirrored (CTRL-M) and attached to the original, opposite side of the model. Before going further I decided to try applying a map texture to it. When I went into “UV face select” mode the model looked a bit odd, the duplicate half was transparent. Selecting everything with “A” didn’'t help - see attached pic, however the LSCM unwrap did the job and gave me a mesh for both sides. I did a basic colouring of it, the surfaces cameout ok on the original side but inverted or not at all on the other side. I have played about with the Mesh-double side function and had a fiddle with verticals but to no effect… agh .

I tried this with a simple cube and got the same results.


UV Textures are only assigned to the side of the face that shows the Normal (In Edit mode, F9 buttons, Draw Normals), so Recalculating all Normals Outside (Ctrl-N in Edit mode with All selected) may solve your problem.


Thanks Fligh, that did the trick.