noobie question

Hey guys. just got blender 2.4.1. already starting to love it. have carrara2 and was going to buy carrara 5 pro, but have since changed my mind. can already do more in blender. some frustrating things i wanted to ask about though. when you save an object, how do you import it into a scene that has another object in it. every time i try, it simply loads the new object. i like to my objects in pieces, and assemble them as i go. using the open and append commands in the toolbar. any suggestions? i know, noobie question…


When you say import into a scene, I am going to assume that you mean import an object from 1 blend file into another.

File…append…select the blend file that you want to import from, then select object, then select the object.

If you mean from 1 scene to another (within the same bled file), select the object, ctrl-L, select scene.

Best of Luck!!

i tried doing that, and i got either “not a library” by clicking open library, “no item selected” by clicking the middle mouse button on the object. confusing. i have a file that says “tire.blend” and a file that says “tirerim.blend” won’t let me append the two. is it possible to save just an object and not everthing in the workspace? noticed that camera, lamp, world, text, and others were in the save. also noticed that in the open window, a file is highlighted blue if you right click on it. but i still get the “no item selected” if i proceed further with it highlighted. also, is the blender manual 2.3 a must have? this is all stuff i should already know

have noticed that all documentation is based on 2.3


Make sure you are not just selecting the file. See the attached images. When you do a file append, the first thing you select would be the file. After selecting the file, you will be given a choice of what entity type you want to append. Lets say for example an object (this will bring mesh, material and texture if othay have been applied). Next you will see alist of objects that are included in the file. Select one of the objects, then click on load library.


A lot of the documantation is for 2.3 and while most of it is still applicable - with maybe minor changes - some of it is frustratingly outdated. The following link is reasonably up to date (check the top of each page for version relevance) but I don’t think it answers this question :slight_smile:

Append takes a little getting used to but then one day, it just suddenly seems to work and you wonder why you ever struggled with it. I’d suggest hat 90% of the time, you’ll want to append “OBJECTS”, not meshes or anything else.

Also, if you haven’t already seen it, check out the PDF in my sig below (not my pdf by the way - just a great resource)

thanks a lot for the help. i haven’t had chance to use it yet (too much going on) but, will give a try again later. finally nice to see a forum that doesn’t take a noobie and kick them in the nuts, call them an idiot, and send them on their way. hope to be able to post some advice of my own soon. but anyway, thanks for the help


We were all noobs at one time or another. Welcome to the wonderful world of Blender!!

finally nice to see a forum that doesn’t take a noobie and kick them in the nuts, call them an idiot, and send them on their way. hope to be able to post some advice of my own soon. but anyway, thanks for the help

That can happen here if you ask a question that’s been asked a dozen times in the last month and a hundred times this year. Some people in this forum (no names mentioned :wink: ) seem to have a low tolerance for questions like “where’s the subsurf button?” or “how do I make a head?” - especially if that same question appears on the front page just a few posts earlier!

On the other hand, some seemingly basic questions don’t have straight forward answers, are poorly documented, rarely asked and not necessarily easy to search for, so most forum users will usually offer advice on these things.

finally found out what i was doing. was saving my files in the \blenderfoundation\ directory. that’s why it was saying “not a library”. if you save in the \blenderfoundation\blender, every works just fine. " Append takes a little getting used to but then one day, it just suddenly seems to work and you wonder why you ever struggled with it." words of wisdom.