(sorry for bad english) can i make game in blender without .blends, blednerplayers, etc. simple game taking lot of space with normal blender game exporting. it is possible to make normal game in blender?
its like asking if you can make a game in Unreal without running it in the unreal engine. it makes no sense. the python - C interface is part of the BGE, along with the blender player, and the blend files.
the closest thing to what your are asking is using OpenGL as a renderer.
Even cryengine games run on the cryengine launcher. I’m assuming it’ll be the same once they get it running on vulkan API for android, pc, ps4, xbox w/e.
I think the question is about the executable presented to the end user rather than the lack of the program that should run the game.
In that sense, yes, you can make a “normal” game, where the user doesn’t have to now anything about blender, blender players or blender files and all he will see when launching the game is the window that contains the running game.
You do that by creating a small executable file that gathers the information needed by blender player to start the game and launches it. You can do it even with a script but usually the launcher is a native executable (scripts look cheap, even if they do the same thing).
I heard in python 3.5, they had an embeded zip file which is only 10< megabytes, so if you ship this instead of the full python files, it will help reduce the amount of size of your application if I understand correctly…if
yes you are wright, but i cant understand what i have to do, i probably need video tutorial, can you make it or just send me link were i can learn how to do that - creating a small executable file that gathers the information needed by blender player to start the game and launches it.
There are many good tutorials and examples on how to create a program that launches another program, with parameters and options. You can follow, for example, this:
Or you can look for “windows C C++ create a program that launches a program” (or linux or osx) and find other examples.
I’m using AutoItscript(for scripting and compiling) and AutoItToExe(building the exe with a custom icon). It is really simple to use and you can do many things with it before starting the game, like getting screen resolution, saving init properties for your game and much more.
Here is how a very simple “start blend file” script in AutoIt looks like:
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Copyright 2017. HA Studios
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
Run("blenderplayer.exe -f 1920 1080 32 60 ./blendFolder/startFile.blend")
WinWaitActive("[CLASS:ConsoleWindowClass]", "")
OPT("trayiconhide", 1)
It just needs compiling to exe to start the blend file “startFile.blend”.