I am creating beveled smooth objects for a game and i would like to interpolate the normals in blender in a different way in order to smooth the shading properly. This article essentially sums up the issue: http://frostsoft.blogspot.de/2012/01/shading-interpolation-vertex-normals.html
The normals should allign with the bigger face instead of a mix of all sorrounding faces.
is there any way to manipulate the normals in blender in that way?
I figured it out by myself… Blen4Web has a nice normal editing tool that allows you to set the vertice normals to the same direction as the face normals: http://prntscr.com/alakuc
Don’t think it’s possible! Even if you change the vertex normals with python (which is possible), as soon as you enter in edit mode, all the normals are reset.
There are some workarounds… two, that i can remember: add edges to the faces you want flat, or using a normal map.
edit: must check how Blend4Web works this out… Thanks for the info!
somehow, it’s working now don’t know how I did it…