Normal Map Artifacts- Unwanted pixelated scars

I get unwanted harsh lines in the normal map when I bake.
Like around the mouth and all over the place if you click the picture to zoom in.

-multirez sculpted mesh and a retopologized mesh in the same spot
-not double sided
-normals facing outwards
-scales of 1
-bake mode tangent, selected to active (retopo active)

I’m completely stuck.


My guess is that your low poly mesh is poking through at some point? I’m just guessing because this happens in xnormal and zbrush both.

If I’m transferring high res details to a new model I import in zbrush, if any of the low poly mesh is poking outside of the high poly mesh, those will be recorded in the normal map export process. So those “scars” are most likely the normal map recording the low res poking through.

That’s my first guess. I’ve that happen in zbrush when I first started out.

Thanks, it sounds reasonable but if I play with the scales of things it still happens.
Still glitchy if the lowpoly is inside or outside, and there are always artifacts that dont coorespond to where something pokes through.

maybe apply the multires and try to bake again. it looks like you baked from a lower Multires Subdevision, so it became a bit glitchy. The Green (and Sometimes Rainbow) spots on your Texture are an error code, so you have to extrude your Lowpoly Mesh on these spots, in order to get a clean render result. Also increase the “Margin” Value in the render settings, otherwise you will see the seams when you look at them on a sharp angle.

Thanks, but I’ve tried that, and also subdivided and clicked reshape beforehand. Also deleting the inside of the mouth which is the thing in the lower right makes no difference either. Always the same wierd glitches everywhere in the same spot.

Ok I got past it but still dont know what was the cause. Maybe it was because I was having some “circular texture refrence in stack” stuff earlier.
I started a fresh blend file and appended the 2 meshes and now its all good, the wierd scars are gone. Still green normals inside the mouth but I dont care about that.