normal map invert in cycles nodes

if I have a normal map with some raised parts

is there a simple way in cycles with normal map nodes
to invert the Nor map

it should be possible I hope

happy cl

Use “Separate RGB” node, then invert only red and green channel and combine them with blue channel from original image using “Combine RGB” node. It should work.


If you are in tangent space, I think this should work.
I toy around with some procedural textures where I control the output of them based on the z of the normal. So this is just a quick play on that.


Why not using the mapping node? set it to ‘Normal’ and change the scale of the Z axis to -1.

so many different nodes set up
got already 3 and not working

I think I got an error on the baking for this shape
and it is not working

happy cl


Most likely it would work, although the factor input is very useful for effects like this.


here is my shape which is squarish and probably not good enough to make a nice bake

happy bl


doing it with subsurf seems to work better even if a bit blurry
might try with 2 K map

happy bl
