Hello everyone,
i have an issue regarding a hull i’m currently creating. When i switch on Face Orientation I’ve got this :
Could you explain what’s the issue please ?
The normals seem to be in the right direction though
Hello everyone,
i have an issue regarding a hull i’m currently creating. When i switch on Face Orientation I’ve got this :
Could you explain what’s the issue please ?
The normals seem to be in the right direction though
It looks like your model has no thickness; your screenshot shows what I would expect to see.
ETA: ah, you’re talking about that checkerboard pattern. I couldn’t see this as obviously on my other device.
Duplicate / overlapping geometry maybe…
can you turn of the mirror modifier please?
I’ve tried using solidify modifier but didn’t work either.
here a screenshot of the hull with the mirror modifier turned off
All objects are hidden. Still the same problem
I was thinking about overlapping geometry on that object.
Something you could fix with M / By Distance.
Can you post the .blend file ?
In Edit Mode / Face Selection > alt + H.
That will show you those overlapping polygons
Yes that’s right. I could have beem more specific
Thank you very much Picto.
What mistake could I have made ?
I don’t see how you could accidentally duplicate polygons in this particular pattern.
But there are plenty of opportunities to screw up when modeling in Blender
I totally agree with you. Well thank you anyway
Best regards