Normals, smooth groups... and exporting to other apps.

I work in game developing since 6 years. I ever use Blender for modeling :slight_smile: but of course I need to export all things to other applications. I use .obj format to export models to MAX and LW. But I never can do exporting smooths.
Tha base problem: no smooth groups in Blender. This is a problem. So always I exported the models to other apps, I need to se the smooth after import. When I use auto smooth with an angle I have no problem, all 3d application can handle this.
3dsMAX uses smooth groups. This is a good function. I am begginner in LW, but I found only auto smooth.

So there is some things that I can’t understand… How can I make good smooths in Blender and export it?

I think smooth groups are a poor way of implementing creased edges.

now, blender has edge creases for when you use subsurf… and they are accessible in python. [but nobody exports them]

however, it’s probably possible to do things with creases that can’t be possible with smoothing groups.

it’d be nice if they had an effect when you didn’t use subsurf, and showed up in the 3d view [like autosmoothing should]…

in games nobody uses subsurf…

I’m quite aware of that, I was suggesting that creases in blender SHOULD IN THE FUTURE [that’s a feature request] work on non-subsurfed meshes and the exporters should be extended to work with them as such.

I’m working on an autosmooth modifier at the moment. This will be part of the modifier stack, so it will show up in the 3d view, and the post-autosmooth geometry will be accessible.

I’m hoping to support edge creases to make sharp edges once I’ve got the basic modifier finished.

I haven’t encountered smoothing groups, how do they work?