Hello! Finally got myself to dive back into Blender again and finally decided to do what I’ve wanted to for a long time. Modeled my first jet! Figured I’d share it with you wonderful people. What do you think?Rendered in Cycles, background added in Photoshop.
well done, I like the composition. The Jet looks a bit like it is behind a cloud in the shadow, it would be nice to make it look more like it is in direct sun light by adding some bright highlights. That would as well draw attention to the jet instead of the clouds.
Thanks to the wonderful advice of the people above, I changed the lighting and added a lot of clouds as well as the requested exhaust trails! I’m liking it a lot better now. Calling this the final image seeing as if I don’t this will quickly turn into a WIP thread lol.Comments and Critiques appreciated!
Great job. Although if i were to give you a critique I would say turn down you brightness/contrast or saturation a bit in a photo editing software so that the reflection of the plane and the clouds don’t mix together as strongly. Although its really just preference at this point. great idea though and great result.
the first thing i notice, which is just a tiny detail, is that the cockpit glass seems a little bit too square… but thats just preference!
AMAZING render!