Hey all,
Man, so I’ve been apart of this community I think going on 10 years! I’ve been in and out (as you can tell by my post count) , but I’m always using blender to try and do something amazing with it. You can check my post history, and see some of the projects I’ve made with it (or tried to). More than anything though, I’ve always wanted to develop a small, little RPG game. A classic one. Like from the PS1 era. This is my progress so far on bringing it to fruition.
I’d say 80% to 90% of everything is python. 10% or less are logic bricks. For the python savants out there, programming tips for the following would be helpful:
- How can I return the name of an object that is hit with a collision sensor, through python?
- I can get planes to follow the camera (halo/billboard orientation), but I noticed I can’t do it with text objects. Can this be done through python, or are text objects incompatible with the feature? I can’t convert it to mesh object due to the need to change the text on the go.
- Does anyone know of a technique to make particle effects?
Example: FFVIII particle effect I’m assuming its using animated planes? Not sure.
Thanks guys, and hope you enjoyed the video.
P.S. I’m also looking for a single tester to play this particular battle on their own computer, to see how it runs.