Not able to weight paint

For some reason when trying to weight paint, I can’t select any bones and my model is a magenta color(instead of blue/red), the brush does not seem to do anything either. Any tips?

make sure you select the rig => shift select the mesh => then switch to weight paint mode.
check if your bones have the Deform activated.

if you are using an addon like Rigify, maybe you’re trying to weight paint the control bones which are not meant for that and have “deform” disabled
you need to enable the DEF bones collection and the bones in that collection are the only one with deform enabled:

The only collection I see is “Bones” but I don’t see DEF.

that’s the Rigify collections if you 're not using rigify you will not see that
can we have a screenshot please?!

if you use right click select. right click on the bone will be enough
if you use left click select. try ALT-Click (cause if you left click blender will think you’re trying to paint not select)

wait. did you apply the armature modifier to your mesh?
i don’t see enough vertex groups for those bones
select mesh + shift select armature
Ctrl+P => with automatic weight

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Sorry if I am frustrating you but I don’t have a mouse only a touchpad, can I change the settings to account for that?

I can weight paint know but I still can’t select bones.

wow i’m impressed if you’re doing 3D with a touch pad!!!

anyway before thinking about that… i was editing my previous post and saw you typing at the same time so maybe you missed that (her is a copy)

each bone is supposed to have a vertex group named with the bone name so when you select that bone blender knows which vertex group you going to paint on

the method i explained above:

will add armature modifier on the mesh with that armature selected
and will create vetrex groups for you
and the mesh will be a child of the armature too (i see they are not)

so i think you missed that step

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When you say “Ctrl+P => automatic weight” what do you mean? (all I see is parenting options)

exactly!! it’s one of them

that’s kinda telling your mesh, hey this is the armature that will control you.
right now your mess doesn’t think is concerned with those bones at all

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So is it siposto add weights to to the mesh? It’s not doing that.

It doesn’t matter that much. (just saying I figured it out) Thank you for the help!

you’re welcome. glad it helped

for your last question if it added the groups with the name of the bones it means it worked

if you didn’t see any weights maybe you have a scale issue:
with those stuff - character and rigs it’s better to apply your scale
select your object: Ctrl + A = > scale (do this for the mesh and the armature)

maybe they are on two different scales that the auto-weight algorithm could’t figure out which bone is closer to which surface

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