Not Everybody Likes Bunnies ..

…but everybody likes executive housing complexes
if it doesnt show try

Just something light and slightly easter-ish here -

story kinda developed as i was making this;

The monkey (yes thats a monkey :P) has come to put up an executive housing complex where the lovely forest with allt he widdle bunnies is - all the bunnies hid behind trees when they saw the monkey coing with its (very limited) equipment. But one brave bunny, has come out to talk to the monkey, and brings it an egg (where do bunnies get eggs from?) as a sign of peace. The monkey is not impressed …

( If anyones seen Big Bunny the title might sound familair )


Even DA won’t show the pic! Methinks you need to upload again.

:frowning: - try refreshing maybe? DA does that to me sometimes. .