Not satisfied with my work of this pillow. How can I make this pillow better?


I need your expertise guys! I started to work with this rectangular pillow. At first I was kinda satisfied, but after I was “finished” I was not happy with it.

Sorry for bad photos on these pillows. They are the same, just different pics/angles.

This is a screenshot of how my pillow look.

I know it looks way too much rectangular and the seam does not look like the seam from the photo. I really want my pillow in the right shape and the seam to look as it should be. But I dunno how to go on about it. I also have trouble finding matching textures, but I guess that is another problem I have to take after this. I appreciate any help I can get.

Maybe check this timelapse :

It’s a bit too fast and there’s no explanation unfortunately so it can be hard if you’re not used to it.

The basics to check are that :

  • you subdivide your pillow model enough
  • you add and apply a subsurf modifier
  • you add a forcefield and increase its strength to a hundred or more(as the default 1 is far from enough)
  • add Cloth physics to your pillow model , use the Cotton preset by example
  • make the Cloth Field Weight gravity setting to 0 so the pillow will inflate after animation instead of falling down
  • play the animation in the timeline (you can bake the cloth cache before) until you’re satisfied.
  • apply modifiers and use sculpt mode to make the finitions

Thank you so so much! That video make it seem so easy. I am definitely going to try that out. I have used the cloth physics before, but not in that way. No worries that it is a bit fast, I could tell what he/she was doing! :slight_smile:

It worked really nice with normal pillows. Like sleeping pillows that have that kind of shape. But I can’t get that rectangular shape the couch pillows have with that technique. I’ve tried some other tricks, but somehow they don’t look as good as my first version of that couch pillow.These pillows are kinda flat, but still puffy and a bit distorted.

this may help you, it has similar shaped pillows to what you want, and is a step by step run through of how to make a full couch… it’s a little old (2014), but the workflow should still apply to newer versions of blender :slight_smile:

Thank you! I will try that! :slight_smile: