Not Sure What it Will Become - Update 09/10/03

Well, I have yet another WIP. I am still working on all my other stuff, just keep getting ideas in my head and I have to start them. What can you do, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

So here it is so far:

Not sure what will come of this in the end, but I’m gonna keep on going.


Hi, looks good. It could be a doorbell thingy, or a mantis religiosa with some armor on it. oooooo… anyway keep on going

Looks like a stylish helmet :slight_smile:



Phwoar! Do you know what it is yet, or just playing it by ear? Right now it’s reminding me a bit of a twisted/futuristic kendo mask. More updates! :slight_smile:

It reminds me of the Skeksis from Dark Crystal.

that is one cool modeling. I wonder what was it in the beginning, a sphere?

Sort of playing it by ear. However, now that it is evolving, I think I will go for sort of a futuristic Samurai type suit/robot type thing.

Everything you see started as a plane or a cube. Nothing else. Other than the tubes of course. :wink: Then subsurfed to level 3 for render.


And a small update:


Bonkers! :o :o I think it’s a breathing apparatus on the front of a space suit of some kind.

Love the way this is progressinbg BgDM,


Thanks sonix!

More later today, (maybe).


wow! That’s fantastic. I can just imagine loads of cool possibilities for that thing.

I’m interested to see where you take it

I also thought kendo mask,…but also it could be a still suit. ( the watertight suits that the fremen wore in dune that recycled their ‘fluids’) Looks very cool. And menacing.

Wow nice work! Great Modelling.

In the past, I’ve defeated some end bosses that didn’t look this evil :slight_smile:

Yep thats how all of work starts out too, only a plane. :wink:

The head/mask for a robotic creature thing? Kinda reminds me of a creature on Halo. Exellent work.

Looks like a Half beast, robotic creature. Which is damaged, and restored with some robotic technics. So steam comes out oh the holes where the pipes go in his body, and he’s a little bit radio active. His eye, connections of the arms to the body will glow in the dark of radio active stuff. Boold stream trough some pipes, and breaths like Darth Vader in Star Wars.

This is what I think when I see the picture. :stuck_out_tongue: