Novell Linux Spoofs

Remember the Mac Ads that advertised how great Macs are? Well it seems Novell have created 3 spoofs that follow the same theme/style.

Check’em out.

Novell Apple Ad Spoof 1:
Novell Apple Ad Spoof 2:
Novell Apple Ad Spoof 3:


Seen them a couple of time now.

Personally, I love the first one. *Nix has been around so much longer than Mac or Microsoft operating systems. And it still kicks ass!

The third one is good as it helps people understand that operating systems are only artificially tied to hardware (eg Microsoft brain washing/ dealings with OEMs).


Hilarious. Linux is a babe.

I like the 2nd one, with the Zoolanderish “Leopard…”

Haha, those are good.

I liked the second one.

“People just share that with you?”
“All the time.”

“I’ll probably wear this for another 6, 7 years.”

Finally, I’m glad people are coming up with some decent ads of their own. Most of the others have been so lame and what annoys me more is no matter how lame they are, Windows fanboys still post saying they are great just for the hell of it. I thought these ones were pretty good.

Of course you can’t help but feel a sense of irony that they are copying Apple who came up with the idea first (again). :eyebrowlift:

Let the games begin… :spin:

Now that Linux is a woman, I can be fanboyish and sexist all in one thread (where’s the boingy emoticon?)

Yes, so this makes Linux hard to understand just like women.

Things go missing all of a sudden:
user: where’s my sound gone? It was right here just a minute ago
Linux: I haven’t touched it
user: well it was right here, you must have moved it.

user: c’mon I need to get to work soon
Linux: hang on while I put something on. Now does this window manager go with this kernel?
user: why aren’t you wearing the window manager I got you for your birthday?
Linux: it doesn’t go with my graphics card drivers
user: why can’t you just put on something standard like everybody else?
Linux: I can’t wear the same thing as Suse or people will think I’m boring
user: well how long will you be?
Linux: about a week then I’m good to go.

user: let’s do something fun
Linux: ok how about instant messaging
user: I was thinking about something more fun like making a movie
Linux: well, I can’t really do that very well
user: what about going for a drive in the country?
Linux: sure but you have to do all the driving
user: well, ok but I wish you were more like Mac and Windows who make my life easier
gets in the car
user: are you sure we’re going the right way?
Linux: I decided to go along the ‘open’ road, you get more freedom this way
user: it’s kinda bumpy though
bang, tire goes flat
user: oh, this is great, we’re in the middle of nowhere. How do we get out of this one?
Linux: Hey, you didn’t have to pay for this trip so what are you complaining about?

osxrules: thanks for the laugh. You summed up OSS in one post.

user: I was thinking about something more fun like making a movie
Linux: well, I can’t really do that very well

a little tutorial:

bottomline: just like majority of mac fans, you don’t really have that much clue. (or maybe you do have, but like to skew facts a bit to put your precious in a better light - who could blame you :wink: )

and before you wave back asking me of how much clue do I have, let the experts talk … who have much morer bigger clue than - guess who.

then again - what do we have there in the right corner on pg. 11 - the real deal or just a lookalike?

it ain’t a proforma for sure …

If I had to stereotype operating systems, I would go as follows:

Windows -

  • For the clueless masses or those who wish to join the light side but really have no choice.

Mac OS - Two groups:

  • On one hand those who find windows too complicated…

  • Those who are enlightened enough to move away from windows but like ease of use. In other words those who know Mac OS has a command line!

Linux -

  • Computers for real men. Who know about computers…and who sometimes love a challenge! Even better, she’s now a real cutie…

Don’t take me too seriously, ok? :wink:


*Dropkicks osxrules in the face.

Heh, the concept of a “Linux girl” is somewhat unrealistic, because women and *nix generally don’t mix. The female gender is more closelly related to the Mac when it comes to OS use. Or at least that’s my experience.

Either way, great find, thanks for sharing.

:smiley: Here’s a little story about Dreamworks. They use Linux but I like these little snippets:

So how does DreamWorks use Photoshop with Linux desktops? “We’re running Photoshop in VMware”

Hmmm, so they use Linux for speed but run Photoshop in virtualization software.

With Red Hat it seems like every day you get errata. You don’t know what those changes may break.

They use a commercial Linux distro.

“On the front end we still use Windows and Macintosh for some preproduction”, notes Leonard. “But, we don’t see OS X as a core platform for us. We’re very committed to Linux.” Leonard says a key feature of Linux is that being open source allows it to be tuned for performance.

Against all odds, they are fanboys.

“There are some giant missing pieces in Linux,” Leonard said. The biggest one remains the lack of a paint program… consequently, some of the Photoshop work was done on Apple Macintoshes

They also use Shake so that puts Windows out a bit. They also use old battered PCs so that kind of puts Macs out a bit.

They have teams of people to write specialized software (Windows not so good for development) and optimize the system (Windows or Mac not so good) for them. Heard of any of these packages:

So I can see why they’d use Linux but I’d still like to see what NLE they use.

“Linux is the future, and it has had a big win in the motion picture industry,” says Film Gimp release manager Robin Rowe. “But video is much more immature in Linux. There is nothing comparable to Final Cut Pro, for instance.”

To understand why, it helps to think from the manufacturer’s point of view: faced with thin profit margins in the highly competitive NLE market, there’s no compelling reason to devote critical staff resources to developing complex software aimed at a relatively small, diffuse group of hacker enthusiasts who also happen to work in video production.

“Avid supports Linux in areas where we have had significant customer demand,” says Matt Allard, product-marketing manager for Avid. “It’s really a matter of customer demand and the creative environment in which our customers work.”

Y’know, you non-Mac users are all the same. You say one little thing about your precious systems and then you go off over reacting. So anti-Social. :wink:

locked thanks osxrules and others. please take your windows vs mac vs linux flamewars elsewear, and enjoy posts for what they are (haven’t actually seen this, since i have no sound here at work till i get some big headphones.)


and LOL at the movies. just keeping it at the top a little longer for people to enjoy.