Hi all! I did a Google search on the term “Novrender” to see if it was a thing (kind of like Inktober.) It seems like it has existed in various places in the past, but didn’t seem to be run out of anywhere anymore. Is anyone aware of an organized place where this happens or where daily November prompts are listed? If not… would people here like to start one? Maybe something super simple, kit bashing allowed, mostly focused on lighting and composition?
Well, since I’m super late asking about/proposing this, if anyone see this, I’ll post a random noun from https://kevan.org/games/randomnoun here for days of this month, roughly around this time of day. But lemme know if there’s already a better forum or source for something called Novrender.
Anyway, today’s (Nov 1) word is: pitchfork
Ah, ok, a procedural generation contest—that does look cool!
I was thinking along the lines of these examples from the (seemingly) abandoned Novrender projects:
Just something very simple, basic, and fast. Throw in a model, light it, make an env, frame it, and render it. Something that would take less than an hour, let alone a day.
Today’s (Nov 2) word is: golf club
Nov 3 word: rattle
Nov. 4 word: door
Hey man, I’m all for this! I was wondering this same thing last month as I was also aware of Nodevember (and I do love nodes) but was wondering if there was a more generalized Blender challenge. Unfortunately I landed up getting burned out with Inktober and have other things going on, but maybe I’ll try to pull myself up to do some Noverender challenge days!
Awesome! Yeah, I had the same feeling about a more general challenge.
I’ve been trying to limit my attempts at this to 30-60 minutes at most to cut back on burnout, so I totally get where you’re coming from. If you have some time to spare, give it a whirl! I’ll keep posting prompts even if I don’t manage to make a render every day myself.
Several time-saving Poly Haven models in this one, in addition to the usual textures and HDRIs of theirs. (Actually, I had an HDRI, but got rid of it and replaced it with a giant white wall just to the right of the camera, which made a nice enough bounce on its own.)
Yeah. I thought about joining Nodevember because, as said, I do love nodes. But as I skimmed through the prompts I saw that all of them are tied to a theme that semes to be fantasy, which as it would so happen isn’t my thing. But even if they were centered around a theme I like, I would still find it far too limiting. I love paleontology, but I’ve never joined Dinovember because every day one is given specific species to portray. I love Inktober because the words are easily up to interpretation, and one may more easily be expected to choose any definition of each word to portray.
To be honest, while I was going on with Inktober I was having so much fun I thought of starting my own Blender challenge like yours here myself. I thought of calling it Blendvember or something. But November snuck up on me. Besides the burnout like I said, but likely the biggest reason that happened is because I’m a perfectionist and traditionally not only draw the prompt but write a story or quote with the drawing.
One thing I do like about Inktober is that the list of prompts is released beforehand which helps me prepare ahead at least mentally. I assume you’ve just been generating the words each day, but if a whole list for each daily prompt were created, I’d imagine more people would be likely to join. (perhaps an idea especially for next year, or any month)
Ah, that’s good advice about the prompt list! I wasn’t sure if people would prefer the daily surprise or a full list up front. So, now, when I pull tomorrow’s prompts, I’ll also just go ahead generate a bunch of prompts for the rest of the month. Now folks can use them as they see fit (and I won’t accidentally forget a day.)
Full List of Prompts for Novrender!
- pitchfork
- golf club
- rattle
- door
- bugle
- sponge
- tree
- newspaper
- rollercoaster
- potion
- pumpkin
- poem
- shoelace
- marker pen
- giraffe
- baby
- broomstick
- kitten
- air
- sofa
- spiderweb
- lamb
- seaweed
- lawnmower
- plate
- spear
- metal detector
- tutu
- tiara
- vacuum cleaner
Spread the word and send around the list!
FWIW, I’ve also written these up as a post on Mastodon, so feel free to boost that or copy and paste into the social media of your choice:
Awesome! Since I’m
Already five days late, I’ll probably pick and choose a few of may favorite words on the list and do those days so I won’t overwhelm myself.
Hey, I was thinking, would you like to get together and arrange a more official challenge like this next year? I’ve just been coming up with a few ideas to make it more organized and found a way to come up with some more inspiring Inktober-esque prompt words but for our community.
Totally! I literally thought about doing this in early October, but I forgot and flaked until exactly the first of November. But I’d definitely be up for a more organized run at it in 2025